Friday 21 October 2016

September Update 2016| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

I haven't posted one of these in a while, so I thought it was time I updated you on how my New Years Resolutions are going and how things are generally in my life.

1) Be more organised i.e more tidy
I think that this was the one I was the most successful at in September. As it was the start of the new school year, I found that I needed to manage my time better to keep on top of my school work. I started bullet journaling in April and it has really helped me keep on track of things I need to do. If you guys want, I will do a post on my bullet journal as I don't do it the way most people do it. Mine is no where near as pretty as most you'll see, mine is more for being practical but once I have finished my current journal I plan on  buying a bigger one and making it more pretty as well as being practical.

2) Be more confident
I'm not sure how I did with this. I started a new school in September and I found that I had to be confident and go up to people to talk to them so that I would have friends to talk to. It was very daunting starting a new school, especially as I didn't know anyone their and I felt very lonely. Now I do have friends, I'm enjoying myself a lot more. So I feel as though being confident helped me to gain friends.

3) To get fit and feel happy with my body i.e drink more water
This one failed this month. I did next to no exercise as I found I didn't have time to. Although I walk to school everyday, I don't count that as exercise, I count it as part of my daily routine. I have been drinking water quite regularly though, I try to drink a 500 ml bottle every day.

4) Study more often
I feel as though this one started to get better in September. I had had the summer off from studying as I had had exams from May to June and felt as though I deserved a break. So when it came to studying again, I found it hard to get back into my routine.

5) Do more of what makes me HAPPY
I feel as though this one got a lot of attention in September as I did quite a lot of things that made me happy. I did lots of reading and I got to spend my time with my new friends. I also got to do some exploring in the area I live in, which was quite nice. I was glad to be able to balance this with my school work as it is healthy to have a balance of fun and work.

6) Write and read more
I definitely did do lots of reading this month, I'll link my Wrap Up and TBR post here.  I didn't do that much writing in September that was for pleasure. But with NaNoWriMo coming up, I think I'll challenge myself to start writing again. There was a story I started last year and I still haven't finished it. While I won't be taking part in NaNoWriMo officially, I will be doing lots of writing in my own time.

So that was my September update, let me know if you like these posts as I will be continuing them into 2017! Also, next week on here I am posting every day doing Halloween themed posts. These posts will start on Monday 24th and finish on Sunday 30th. There will be no blog post on the 31st
Carenza x