Friday 7 October 2016

September Wrap Up and October TBR| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

It's that time of the month were I talk about what books I read last month and what books I want to read this month. In September I read a total of 8 books, which I am really proud of as I think it is the most amount of books I have read in a month. I read 2 books for school and 6 for pleasure.
Warning- if you are subscribed to Fairyloot and have not received your box, I would advise you don't read the TBR section of this post as it spoils what the book is.

September Wrap Up

The first book I read in September was Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. This is the last book in the Percy Jackson series, I read the rest in August. I gave this book 5/5 stars. I won't go into detail as to why I like it as I don't want to spoil the story for you. I really liked how the series was tied up and getting to say goodbye to my favourite characters in a nice way.

The next book I read was Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth. I read this for school and I really enjoyed it. I gave it 5/5 stars. I'm not going to explain it myself but I am going to use a quote from the back of the book:
On St George's Day, the morning of the local country fair, Johnny "Rooster" Byron, local waster and modern-day Pied Piper, is a wanted man. The council officials want to serve him an eviction notice, his son wants to be taken to the fair, a father wants to give him a serious kicking, and a motley crew of mates want his ample supply of drugs and alcohol.

The next book I read was Carrie Hope Fletcher's debut fiction novel On The Other Side. This was my favourite book I read in September. I had the pleasure of meeting Carrie at one of her signings and I really enjoyed myself. She was so sweet. I gave this book 5/5 stars. I'm not going to go into too much detail as my review of this is going up on Monday (10/10/16). This book tugged at all the heart strings and made you feel every emotion under the sun. I would love a sequel or a spin off novel to this as I need more from this world.

Left to Right:
The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena

The next 3 books I read were the first 3 books in the Heroes of Olympus series also by Rick Riordan. I still have the last two books to read and when I have read those I will post a series review. I'm so glad I'm getting round to reading Rick Riordan's books. Again I won't go into any detail as these books do spoil things that happen in Percy Jackson. I gave The Lost Hero 5/5 stars, The Son of Neptune 4/5 stars and The Mark of Athena 4/5 stars.

The next book I read was Ross Poldark by Winston Graham. This is the first book in a twelve book series called Poldark. I have had this book on my shelf for over a year and have finally picked it up. I do have the TV tie in edition because I love the TV series so much. I gave it 4/5 stars and plan on reviewing it once I have read the next book. 

The final book I read I don't have a photo of because I forgot I read it and that it Listner by Lemn Sissay. I read this book for school and I gave it 3/5 stars. I'm not a huge fan of poetry and I just didn't enjoy reading this that much. There were some poems I enjoyed but the majority were not for me.  

October TBR

In October I plan on reading 14 books. I am reading 5 for school and 3 of them are short stories. The other 11 books I plan on reading are all for pleasure. 
The first 5 books I am going to talk about are books for school.

The first book I plan on reading in October is the poem The Raven by Edgar Alan Poe. I'm reading this as part of a series of spooky short stories in the run up to Halloween. I have to read these as part of an extra thing I do at school.

The next book I plan on reading is The Signal-Man by Charles Dickens. I'm actually excited to read this as my mum is always banging on about how good this is and now I'm finally reading it.

The next book I plan on reading is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. I have seen the film Sleepy Hollow and am assuming that this is what it is based off. I really liked the film, I remember watching it one Halloween after coming back from holiday.

The next book I have to read is Testing the Echo by David Edgar. This is a script that I have to read for one of my classes. I don't know much about this, so I am going to insert a quote from the book here:
Emma is a dedicated ESOL teacher (English for Speakers of Other Languages), teaching British citizenship to people from Somalia, Serbia, the Congo, India and Egypt. At the same time, Tetyana, Mahmood and Chong have their own, very different reasons for wanting to pass the citizenship test. As the Home Office worries away at the questions in the test, Emma faces a challenge to her deepest-held beliefs.

The final book I have to read for school is 1984 by George Orwell. I know that this was written in 1948 and is about the future.

This section isn't any particular order as I hope I get to all of these books. 

The first book I plan on reading is the Fairyloot September book and that is Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter. I am currently about half way through this book and am really enjoying it so far. It's a modern day retelling of Vassilla the Beautiful. It's set in New York and in the present day. There is a Fairyloot chat taking place on Saturday 15th October at 9pm BST on Twitter, so come join us as we won't be spoiling the book. 

The next books I plan on reading are the last two books in the Heroes of Olympus series: The House of Hades and The Blood of Olympus (which I don't own). I can't wait to finish this series and get started with the Trials of Apollo or maybe the Norse mythology series, I'm torn.

Next I plan on reading This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab/ V.E Schwab. This book came out this year and I managed to pick up a signed copy for my birthday book trip. I can't wait to read this as I have heard nothing but good things about it. 

After This Savage Song I want to read Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. I also picked this up for my birthday. I'm so glad I got the UK hardback as it is so pretty! I don't know much about this but I saw it floating around bookstagram and knew that I wanted to read it.

 The next book I plan on reading is Tales of the Peculiar by Ransom Riggs, this is a spin off/ tie in novel from the Miss Peregrines franchise. I'm in a Miss Peregrines mood after seeing the film so I have decided to pick this up. My copy is also signed.

The next book is also by Ransom Riggs and that is Library of Souls. I started this in July and put it down as I wasn't enjoying it, but now I've seen the movie I feel as though I might enjoy it this time. 

The next book I plan on reading is the fifth installment in Throne of Glass series. I really can't wait to get to this as I love this series so much. I've been putting it off as I want to recap the other 4 books as it was almost a year ago since I read them. Also my copy is signed.

 The final book I plan on reading is Demelza by Winston Graham. This is the second book in the Poldark series and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

So that concludes my September Wrap Up and October TBR, leave me a comment about some of the books you want to read this month.
Carenza x