Friday 23 December 2016

November FairyLoot Review| It'sCarenzaB

Hey guys!
How are you?
I have another Fairyloot box to review and this one is the November "Royals and Rogues" box. I have already done two reviews for Fairyloot as I got a 3 month subscription for my birthday. I will say that of the three I got, this one was my favourite.

This is an overview of the contents, as you can see, there was quite a lot in the box. This month, Fairyloot included some items they had never included before.

The first item was this stunning Queen of Books mug designed by Read at Midnight and is exclusive to this Fairyloot box. This was my favourite item in the box as I only have one book themed mug and I am glad that my collection is growing. Also, I love the watercolour aspect of the design.

The next item was this Royal and Rogues tea from the Tea Leaf Company and it came with some disposable tea filters for those who don't have a tea strainer. I personally don't drink tea, but my mum does so I asked her if I could include what she thinks.
My mum says "interestingly tinted with blue leaves, the tea was fragrant yet robust, eminently drinkable" 

Something else Fairyloot has never included before is a Pocket Mirror. This was designed exclusively by Bookworm Boutique . I love her designs so much and was thrilled to hear that they had included something by her. I'm a huge sucker for quotes especially when the calligraphy is nice and swirly (I don't think that's the technical term)

A close up of the pocket mirror, the quote is from the Wrath and the Dawn Renee Ahdieh. I have been dying to read this duology and will definitely be picking it up in the new year.

Though this photo does it no justice, this mini notepad was designed by Drop and Give Me Nerdy and is exclusive to this Fairyloot box. I love her designs so much, I always have my eye on something in her Society 6 store as well as her Nerdy Post subscription service. This notepad was inspired by the Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, which I adore. I love design on this, it fits perfectly in the world and is beautiful.

Again, although this photo does it no justice, this soap made by Crafty Ragamuffin was included. According to Fairyloot "You'll understand what it symbolizes after you read this month's book". I think that it smells like sweets, but I could be wrong.

Next, there was this double sided print inspired by Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. This was exclusive to Fairyloot and this side is Mare Barrow, which was designed by Book Otter. This is definitely my favourite side of the print.

This is the other side of the print and was designed by Lovely Book Owl.

Also included was this amazing A Court of Mist of Fury by Sarah J Maas, this was also designed by Lovely Book Owls. I'm not sure if this is exclusive, but this was another favourite item.

This Wolf by Wolf print was a bonus item and was designed by Read at Midnight. I really loved this as Wolf by Wolf was one of my favourite reads of 2016.

For some reason, I don't have a close up of the book, but the book was Nemesis by Anna Banks. I don't know much about it, other than it has Egyptian influence. I am looking forward to reading it.

As a little bonus, this Nemesis bookmark was included. It has a plot description on the back.

This was the letter that was written by the author, unfortunately I can't read it because the writing is a bit curly (??)

There was also this super amazing graphic, info card. I love collecting these and displaying them on my walls.

Since September, Fairyloot has started including Fairyscoops and as you can see, mine is pretty creased and bashed. Inside is an author interview as well as some book recommendations.

This is this inside of Fairyscoop.

On the back was two articles: one about the book bags that Fairyloot use to pack their books, the other was an interview with a BookTuber.

Finally, there was my Unique Hashtag which is used to help find my reading buddy.

This was my Unique Hashtag and for the third time in a row, I didn't find my reading buddy- insert sad violin music played by three violins.

And that concludes my November Fairyloot review, I was blown away with the quality as always and I'm super happy I found Fairyloot. If you are looking for a UK based subscription service, then look no further.

I just want to quickly say that I am going on a very short break from blogging to spend time with my family over the Christmas period. I've also decided to go back down to two posts a week, rather than three. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and I will see you in 2017!
Carenza x

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Best Book Covers of 2016| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
As it is almost the end of 2016, I thought that I would look back at some of the best covers we had in 2016. Now, there were a lot of amazing covers this year, but I have managed to get it down to the top 5 covers of 2016.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

The first book I have picked is Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. I think the cover is really striking and it fits the story really well. If you take the dust jacket, it has the raven underneath.

Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter

My next pick is Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter. I love that it's black with bright red font, but also that the font is curvy (if that's the technical). I like that the swan links to the story too.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by JK Rowling

Fantastic Beasts deserves to be on the list because this is probably one of my favourites of 2016. I absolutely love the Niffler on the hardback. It's just so pretty and that the font ties into the story. Also, the inside is very pretty.

Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas

The whole Throne of Glass series is stunning, but this is my favourite in the series. I like the pale blue of the title and the bright fire colours. I love white covers, but this is my favourite series with white covers.

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

My favourite cover of 2016 is Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. This list wouldn't be complete without Cassandra Clare being mentioned. I love this version as well as the limited edition version from Waterstones.

So that concludes my favourite covers of 2016, let me know some of your favourite covers of 2016.
Carenza x

Monday 19 December 2016

Book Review Monday- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

Welcome to the final Book Review Monday of 2016. In this Book Review Monday I am going to be reviewing A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, which I read fairly recently. Like all my other reviews it will be split into two sections, Non-Spoiler and Spoiler section.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness- Contains Spoilers

Non-Spoiler Thoughts

I decided to pick this up after seeing a review for the film and I read it in one day. It was one of the emotional reads I have ever read. I have the graphic version and the art work was stunning.

Cover Chat

I think that this cover is so beautiful and captures the mood of the story perfectly. Jim Kay's art is amazing.

This is my favourite picture from the story. I love how the pictures are all monochrome, they capture the mood of the story perfectly.


The monster showed up after midnight. As they do.But it isn’t the monster Conor’s been expecting. He’s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he’s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming…This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.It wants the truth.
This quote was taken from Goodreads and the average rating is 4.33/5.


I gave this book 5/5 stars. I know I keep on doing this, but this book deserved 5/5 stars. This book was a super quick read. It was honestly the emotional book I have ever read and I am looking forward to seeing the movie. The artwork was stunning. I was so sad when the Mum died, but I could see that it was coming and it still upset me. I don't think I can put into words how much I loved this book and I want to talk about it all day.

So that is my final review of 2016. I hope you have enjoyed the reviews I have put up this year and I can't wait to put more up in 2017.
Carenza x 

Friday 16 December 2016

November Update 2016| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
Welcome to the final update of 2016 and before we get into this post, I want to say that I have decided to make my update posts seasonal rather than monthly. I've decided to do this as I find they have been very similar recently and I want to improve the content I upload on here. The new update posts will be posted every 3 months with the first one in March. I upload these posts more for myself than others as it allows to track my goals throughout the year.

1) Be more tidy i.e be more organised

I would say I was quite successful at this one in November. I managed to juggle my school work and blog very well. I think I said it in last months update, but I couldn't do what I do if it wasn't for my bullet journal. Since I started it, I have become so much more organised. I plan on doing a post on how I bullet journal in the New Year as it has honestly changed my life.

2) Be more confident

I feel as though my confidence dipped in November. I have no idea why, I feel as though November's  not a very eventful month and that people are just excited for December. Since December rolled around, I've definitely seen my confidence improve.

3) To get fit and feel happy with my body i.e drink more water

I can safely say that I failed this for the whole year. 2016 has been one of the busiest and stressful years of my life. So things like exercise have really taken a dip. But in 2017 I want to focus on improving my health, both mentally and physically.

 4) Study more often

In November I set myself the target of 30 hours revision, 10 for each of my subjects. I smashed that target. I added a revision tracker to my bullet journal which really motivated me to revise. I also started making notes for one of my subjects, which I really enjoyed.

5) Do more of what makes me HAPPY

I feel as though this was more successful in November than October. I really started enjoying blogging again as after I had a long break when I couldn't get into my gmail, I found it hard to get back into blogging. I also saw some cool films, did lots of reading, started watching Game of Thrones (I am hooked) and spent time with my family.

6) Write and read more

I read 10 books in November. I don't know how I found so much time to read in November, but I was so happy I got so much reading done. I failed at writing this month, apart from school work I did next to no writing. As you're reading this, I am on Christmas break and I plan on writing around 1000-2000 words on my current project, as well as reading 5 books, doing some school work and spending quality time with my family.

So that concludes my final update of 2016, I hope you have enjoyed these posts. I've had loads of fun writing them.
Carenza x

Wednesday 14 December 2016

How to Bookworm #3- Finding Inspiration| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
Welcome to the third post in my How to Bookworm series, I hope you guys are liking my new series. In this post I am going to talk about inspiration. As someone who puts up 3 blog posts a week, it gets hard to find new ideas for the amount of content I am uploading. So here are my tips on how to find inspiration. This doesn't just apply to book bloggers, but it is aimed at book bloggers.

Talk About Things You Like 

When I first started my blog in June 2015, I started with the intention of being a beauty blogger. However, I didn't know enough about beauty and what I did know I learnt through other people. So in January 2016 I changed to book blogging. I still post things that aren't related to books because they are things I like and want to talk about. 

In a very long winded way, my advice to you is to find a topic you love talking about. Once you have found something you love you'll see that the quality of your posts improve. I used to hate writing my blog and now I love it. 

See What's Popular

You are not going to be the only person with a blog talking about the thing you like. See what's popular in your community. For example, in the book community, the issue that's popular is the lack of diversity in books. If that is something you feel strongly about, then join in the discussion. As a reader, it makes me sad to see that lack of diversity in books. In 2017, I definitely plan on reading more diverse books.

Follow Other People In The Community

This sort of links to my previous point, but see what the people you like are talking about. This may inspire you. I started the How to Bookworm series after watching Emmmabooks BookTubing 101 videos. I wanted to create a series of posts to help new book bloggers as the book blogging community is very small compared to BookTube which has grown massively since I first discovered it in 2013. 

So that concludes my Inspiration post. I hope you guys found this useful and if you have any other tips, please leave them in the comments.
Carenza x

Monday 12 December 2016

Book Review Monday- An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld by Cassandra Clare and Illustrated by Cassandra Jean| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
For this Book Review Monday, I am going to be Reviewing An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld by Cassandra Clare which was illustrated by Cassandra Jean. This came out in the UK in November and I read it shortly after it's release. This review is shorter than my average Book Review Monday, as I am running out of books I have read recently to review. If you have any books you would like to see reviews for, let me know.

An Illustrated History of  Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld by Cassandra Clare and Illustrations by Cassandra Jean- Contains Spoilers

Cover Chat

This is the hardcover version and I love how stunning the cover is. I do prefer the American version, but this is still super pretty. I like how it looks old fashioned and something that the Shadowhunters would have in the library at one of the institutes.


The premise of this book is to give each of Cassandra Clare's character's from all of her Shadowhunter series little profiles. This book is told through the language of flowers, which means each character has a flower that describes them. It is split into sections, so you can choose to read just the TMI section or which section you want to read.


I really enjoyed this book. I had been dying to get my hands on it since February as it was only available in America. The concept is really interesting as it lets you know more about some of your favourite characters in more detail. When Lord of Shadows comes out, I'm going to be using this book to help me remember which character is which. Below is one of Cassandra Jean's illustrations. It took me ages to find one that didn't belong to someone or had text over it.

So that concludes my very short review of An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld by Cassandra Clare. I hope you enjoyed this review and leave your thoughts in the comments.
Carenza x

Friday 9 December 2016

November Favourites 2016| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
It's that time of the month were I talk about my favourites from the last month. I had no where as many favourites in November as I have had in the past months.


My only beauty favourite has been the Body Shop Glazed Apple scent. They released this two years ago and brought it back last year. I love apple so much so I have quite a few products from this range. It's a sweet but crisp scent, which I quite like. I'm so gutted they changed it to spiced apple this year, but I haven't had a chance to smell it so I may end up liking it. I used the shower gel and body spray A LOT. Apple is such a Christmassy scent.


My favourite book of November was Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare and a bunch of other amazing authors. I have a review for this, which goes into way more detail. I was so happy to be back in the Shadowhunter world again and I read this in 2 days.


My first Bits'n'Bobs favourite has been Whitards Mulled Wine Instant Tea. I discovered this a few years ago and omg, it makes me want to be a tea person. I don't know how to describe the taste, but if you like Mulled Wine then you'll like this tea. It got to the point were I was having 2 or 3 cups a day.

Firstly, sorry this photo is awful. As it's winter here in the UK, the lighting is awful and when the light is actually quite good, I'm usually in college. But my next favourite has been this little Nagini Pop Funko my dad bought me. When I saw that they were making mini HP Pop Funkos, I knew I wanted the pets and I was so lucky to get Nagini. She looks so cute next to Voldemort and it's like he's petting her. 

Niffler's definitely deserve a place on this list. I've loved these little creatures since Goblet of Fire (the book) and I was so happy they were in the Fantastic Beasts Movie (which I am going to talk about next). I actually have a Niffler as my phone background and I've bought a Niffler candle. The Niffler is the one on the right.

 My next favourite was the Fantastic Beasts movie, my review is already up. I'm going to see it again later this month as my Mum hasn't seen it, plus I want to see it again. It was nice being back in the wizarding world but it being completely refreshing.

My other film favourite was Moana. You guys know I am a huge Disney fan, so I was really excited to see this. It has become one of my favourite Disney films ever. I love the songs and the characters, especially Pua the Pig. He is so cute and I want to cuddle him all day. 

My final favourite is Game of Thrones. I never had any interest in reading or watching the TV series, but I was told it would help me with one of my classes. I'm now almost finished with season two and I'm hooked. I love it so much and I can't wait to see were it goes. No spoilers please!

So that concludes my November Favourites for 2016. Let me know what some of your favourites are.
Carenza x

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Christmas Gift Guide for Book Lovers| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
It's that time of year were we are in a hurry to buy our friends and family Christmas presents. We all know the struggle and the stress of not knowing what to get someone, so I thought I would try to help. As you can see by the title, this is for Book Lovers so if you have a Book Lover friend or family member, then maybe this post will help you.


Now this may be a pretty obvious one for a book lover, but trust me, they will be happy to add books to their shelves (I know I am). If you know there is a book they've been dying to read, why not get it them? Or if you have no idea what to get them, pop into Waterstones (or your book shop of choice) and browse with them. Keep an eye on what they pick up and get excited about, then when there not around get them that book. I've done this with a few of my friends and it has made Christmas shopping a lot easier. If you want a safe option, get them a gift card and let them pick. I know some people think gift cards are unoriginal presents, but it means you won't go wrong and that they get a fun shopping trip. My friends in the past have gotten me gift cards and I've had loads of fun shopping for books.


If they are going to be doing lots of reading, then they will definitely need a book mark or two. You could chose to get creative and make them a bookmark. This is something I would love to receive as it's personal and unique to that person. If you're not feeling artistic, then there are loads of amazing bookmarks you can buy from places like Etsy. I'm going to link two of my favourite stores for bookmarks:
Happy Hello Art  is one of my favourite Etsy stores. They sell the cutest magnet bookmarks and if you follow me on Instagram (shameless self-promo, follow me @itscarenzab) then you will have seen my ever growing collection. They have a wide range of characters and designs available. Shipping isn't too bad (for the UK, I don't know about other countries) and they tend to arrive after a week or two. 
Behind the Pages is also amazing company for bookmarks. They do sell prints, lip balms and soaps too. I have a bookmark of there's from the September Fairyloot Box and it is one of the prettiest bookmarks I own. 

Book Themed Candles

Book Themed Candles are always super popular with BookWorms. I've started a very small collection this year and I know that it is going to grow. I'm going to link some of my favourite brands for candles:
Meraki Candles  is a Scottish based candle company that sell a wide range of candles. I discovered them through Fairyloot and since then I have bought two more of there candles. They are very well priced, it's £8.95 for a candle (which is large) and around £2.99 for shipping. They also sell mini candles and have good offers like buy one get one half price. 
From the Page is a company I've always wanted to buy from but have never been able to afford their shipping as it is an American based company. If you live in America, this company might be for you and they sell a range of candle type things (I don't know how to describe it). But they sell wax melts and roll on perfumes too.
The Melting Library  is another American candle company. I would love to get my hands on one of their candles but they are so expensive (shipping wise). But like From the Page they have a wide variety of scents and products.


As a BookWorm I can say that I love bookish themed items for my bedroom. There's a huge variety of products you can choose from such as mugs, pillows and cushions, prints and blankets. There is also a huge range of designs to choose from. I'll link some of my favourite places to buy from:
Bookwormboutique I have a mug from this company and it is one of my favourite bookish items I own. They have such amazing designs which features a lot of typography which is something I love. I'm sure you'll be able to find something for the BookWorm in your life
Evie Bookish is another amazing company. They have some truly beautiful designs on their shop and at some point I hope to add some to my collection. 

Get Creative

Like I mentioned in the first point, you can always get creative. This is something they will really appreciate and can often be cheaper than some of my other options. If you have seen something you think that they will like but it's a bit on the steep side price wise, you can always try and recreate it. It may not turn out to be identical, but it's the thought that counts.

So there are five ideas for BookWorms this Christmas. If you have anymore ideas, leave them in the comments and I'm sure you'll be able to find something for them.
Carenza x 

Monday 5 December 2016

Book Review Monday-The Book Thief by Markus Zusak| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
For my first book review of December, I thought I would talk about one of my favourite books of November. My best friend bought me The Book Thief for my birthday back in the summer and I finally got round to reading it. This may become one of my favourite books of 2016. Like all my other book reviews, it will follow the normal structure, except I've decided to  combine the Character Chat and Opinions section as I've noticed in the past few posts the Character Chat sections have been very small.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak- Contains Spoilers

Non-Spoiler Thoughts

When I first picked up this book, I wasn't sure to expect and it really wasn't for me. But once I got into it, I was hooked. I gave this book 5/5 stars (which I've noticed I do a lot) but this book really deserved 5 stars. It was really nice reading something outside my comfort zone and trying something new. It's made me really into historical fantasies again.

Cover Chat

I love how faded and old fashioned the cover looks. It's one of my favourite covers and I love how simplistic it is. 


It’s just a small story really, about among other things: a girl, some words, an accordionist, some fanatical Germans, a Jewish fist-fighter, and quite a lot of thievery. . . .
Set during World War II in Germany, Markus Zusak’s groundbreaking new novel is the story of Liesel Meminger, a foster girl living outside of Munich. Liesel scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement before he is marched to Dachau.
This is an unforgettable story about the ability of books to feed the soul.
This summary is taken from Goodreads and the average rating on Goodreads is 4.35/5 stars.

 Opinions and Character Chat

Just a quick warning, this section will have no structure at all! These are all taken from my notebook that I keep when I'm reading. This has really helped me keep all my thoughts in one place and it makes my reviews so much easier to write.

One of my favourite things about this book was the narration style. We had the character of Death narrating the story and I found this really interesting. I've never read a book which is told through a character who isn't directly involved in the plot, but still is important to the story. I really want to read more books like this now..

The characters are really realistic, which I really liked. Considering that it's a historical fantasy, these characters felt real for the time period they were living in. I also loved the wide variety of characters and how they were all very different. 

It was interesting reading a World War Two novel with a family that was sympathetic to the Jews and also reading from a character that was a Jew. I loved reading from Max's perspective as it was nice seeing what a Jew could have thought at the time.

This is a direct quote from my notes "such a powerful and beautiful story". I've written this a few times and I still agree with it. This was so well written and I can't believe that I didn't pick it up sooner. The emotions in this story were all very raw and I found myself feeling what the character was feeling. 

The ending of this book had me in pieces. I can't believe that he decided to kill off loads of the characters. Although there was subtle hints that this might happen, I never expected it to happen in the last chapter of the book. The very ending of this book also had me in pieces. I was so happy that Max and Liesel were reunited. 

So that concludes my review on The Book Thief. Do you like this new shorter style or do you prefer my more ramble-y style?  Let me know what your thoughts are and also what you thought of the Book Thief.
Carenza x

Friday 2 December 2016

November Wrap Up| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
It's that time of month were I look back on what I have read the previous month. I've noticed a trend in my wrap up's since September and that is every month I have been saying "this is the most books I've read in one month". November beats them all. In November I read 10 books. I have no idea how I managed to find so much time for reading on top of all my school work. Usually I pair together my wrap up's and TBRs but I have already posted my December TBR.

November Wrap Up

The first book I completed in November was Shiver by Maggie Stievfater. I listened to this on Audiobook using the Overdrive app. I gave it 5/5 stars. I loved the narrators of the story as well as the story line. I have owned the books for almost a year but have never been motivated to read them. I'm planning on listening to the other two books in Audiobook format. I also need to get the novellas from this series.

The next book I read was for class and that was On Writing by Stephen King. I'm usually someone who sticks to fiction so reading a non fiction book was really interesting. I really enjoyed this and learnt so much about King's life and what it means to be a writer. I gave it 4/5 stars. I defiantly want to pick up some of his other books.

Then I read An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld by Cassandra Clare and it was illustrated by Cassandra Jean. This book only just came out in the UK and I am beyond happy that it did. I gave it 5/5 stars. It's such a beautiful book and you can pick it up at any time. The only section I haven't  read it the section for The Last Hours as the book does contain minor spoilers for some characters.

I finally got around to reading Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas this month! It had been on my TBR since I finished Queen of Shadows and I have to say I was a bit disappointed with it. I gave it 4/5 stars in the end but that was because the ending of the book saved it for me. I'm not going to be writing a review for this any time soon as I want to post reviews for the other books in the series first.

 Next I read Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare and a bunch of other awesome authors. I have a full review for this up here. I really enjoyed it but then I do say that with all of Cassandra Clare's books. I gave it 5/5 stars.

I also read the screenplay for the Fantastic Beasts movie. I was so happy I picked up the same day I saw the movie. It was really interesting reading a script from a film which is something I've never done before. I gave it 5/5 stars and my review for the movie is already up.

I was lucky enough to win an Advanced Reader Copy of History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera through Maximum Pop Books. I didn't plan on reading it this month but I ended up reading it in two days. I will have a review for this book going up in February (it's release date for the UK). This book left me an emotional wreck and I gave it 5/5 stars. I am now dying to pick up More Happy Than Not (also by Adam Silvera)

Then I read Winters' Snow by Carrie Hope Fletcher. This is a On the Other Side novella. I gave it 4/5 stars because of the quality of the book. The cover is made out of cardboard and it just seems a bit flimsy. My review for On the Other Side is already up on here.

I don't have a photo of this book as I don't own it in physical format. I listened to Court of Fives by Kate Elliott. I gave it 2/5 stars. I don't know whether it was the narrator or the actual story, but I did not enjoy this book. I found the narrator very annoying as well as the main character being annoying too. I don't think I'll be picking up the sequels to Court of Fives.

The final book I read in November was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I read the bulk of it in November but finished the last 100 pages on December 1st, so I'm putting it on my November Wrap Up. I gave it 5/5 stars and I will be putting a review up very soon. It's so different to anything I've read before and I loved it so much.

December TBR

I only have one book that wasn't on my December TBR post to include in this post.

I have to read Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You by Todd Hasak-Lowy for class. I've read around 250 pages so far and I'm not a huge fan. 

So that concludes my November Wrap Up and part December TBR. Let me know what your plans are for December (reading wise).
Carenza x

Wednesday 30 November 2016

October Fairyloot Review| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
So I was lucky enough to  get a 3 month to subscription to Fairyloot which started in September. This meant that I got the October box and the theme for October was Steampunk Rebellion. I loved this box as much as the last one and you can read my review of the last box here.

This is an overview of the contents of the box. We definitely got a lot more smaller items in this box, which I kind of prefer. There was a wide of variety of items and hardly any cross overs or similar items from the last box. I loved the variety as there was something for everyone in this box.

The first item in this box was a candle made by Meraki Candles. There were six you could get and they were inspired by Divergent. I got Dauntless (super happy about this) and it smells like Dauntless Cake and Warm Amber. I love the subtle touch around the outside, you can see the fire and it ties nicely to Dauntless.

Next,  there was this awesome Clockwork Ring made by Cogs and Curiosities. This is such a cute piece of jewelry. I personally won't be wearing this much as I tend not to wear rings this much. But it does embody steampunk with all the mechanical pieces in the copper glitter.

This is a close up of the ring designed by Cogs and Curiosities. I love how detailed it is.

While we are talking about jewelry, the other piece of jewelry in this box was this Mechanical Butterfly Necklace designed by Fairyloot. Again, I really love this but like the ring I probably won't wear it that much as I'm the type of person who has a few staple pieces of jewelry I wear. That's when I remember to wear jewelry. I'll definitely be using this in Instagram photos though.

Here is a slightly blurry close up as my camera WOULD not focus on it. I love the little pops of copper on the wings.

Next we have, what is quite possibly the best item I have received in a subscription box EVER, and it is an Infernal Devices Tea Towel which was designed exclusively by Read at Midnight. You guys know I am a huge fan of The Infernal Devices, so I literally squealed when I saw this. I'm probably not going to use it as a tea towel and I'm going to find away to display it in my room.

This is a first for me and that is a book themed lip balm made exclusively by Behind the Pages. Gina also designed something for the September box and I'm so happy that my Behind the Pages collection is growing. It is based of Elias from An Ember in the Ashes (I believe) and smells of spice and rain.

What makes it exclusive is the gold colouring and glitter Gina added. I love smelling this and one day I'll get round to testing it.

Then we have an item designed by Happy Hello Art. If you follow me on Instagram (shamless self promo, follow me @itscarenzab) then you will know that I have all the Cassandra Clare bookmarks that Happy Hello art has to offer. I was a little bit disappointed with this as I already have it, but I will be keeping it because I love adding to my Cassandra Clare collection. You could either get Will or Jem.

Like the tea towel, this item was a first to me. This washi tape was included by Fairyloot and I love it. As I mention in most of my posts, I bullet journal so I'm looking forward to using this in my journal.

A close up of the Clockwork pattern on the washi tape.

The book in Fairyloot's October box was Metaltown by Kristen Simmons. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to reading this but I am looking forward to. Apart from TID, I haven't read any Steampunk.
The signed bookplate, as you can see I am terrible at sticking them in and mine is a bit wonky.

We also got this badge which links to the book. I really like how the outside looks like a cog.

Like last months box, there was the unique hashtag which helps you find your reading buddy.

This was my unique hashtag, like last month I didn't find my reading buddy :(

There was also another Fairyscoop, I have had so much fun reading these.
A super detailed author interview with Kristen. I love that it includes some book recommendations.

 There was this cool metal maze on the back as well as a photo competition to win an ARC. I entered but I didn't win.

There was also a letter written by Kristen talking about Metaltown. I love how the paper has the design of the card that tells you whats in the box. It's a really nice touch.

 Here is the graphic for the October box. I have to say I preferred September's but this is still really cool.
The information about what's in the box. Mine has bluetac on because I have stuck it up.

So that concludes my October Fairyloot review. I was blown away by the quality of the box and am looking forward to picking up my November and finding out what's inside. My November review will be going up at the end of December.
Carenza x