Wednesday 19 October 2016

How to Bookworm #1- An introduction| It'sCarenzaB

Hey guys!
How are you?

Welcome to the first post in my "How to Bookworm" series. For a while I have wanted to do a series on how to bookworm and address things that I wish I had had answers to when I joined the book community in January. In this short post, I am going to be talking about the types of posts I am going to post and how often. Like it says in the title, this is an introduction post. If you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments.

What types of posts?

I have posts planned talking about the 6 following things:
1) An introduction (this post)
2) Time management
3) Inspiration
4) Participation
5) Bookstagram
6) Book Blogs

Each post will go into detail about their topics and give tips and advice to those who need it. They will be based around my personal experience and they'll be my personal tips. You may find that some of the tips won't work for you, but it's all about experimenting and trying something new.

How often?

There will be a post up once a month, typically in the middle of the month (15th-20th). However this may change if you guys would like these posts to be more frequent. I will be creating a tab at the top of my blog where you will find all the posts in this series linked in order.

I hope you guys are excited for my new series, I'm super excited to get writing them. Let me know if there are any topics I haven't mentioned that you would like blog posts on.
Carenza x