Wednesday 14 December 2016

How to Bookworm #3- Finding Inspiration| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?
Welcome to the third post in my How to Bookworm series, I hope you guys are liking my new series. In this post I am going to talk about inspiration. As someone who puts up 3 blog posts a week, it gets hard to find new ideas for the amount of content I am uploading. So here are my tips on how to find inspiration. This doesn't just apply to book bloggers, but it is aimed at book bloggers.

Talk About Things You Like 

When I first started my blog in June 2015, I started with the intention of being a beauty blogger. However, I didn't know enough about beauty and what I did know I learnt through other people. So in January 2016 I changed to book blogging. I still post things that aren't related to books because they are things I like and want to talk about. 

In a very long winded way, my advice to you is to find a topic you love talking about. Once you have found something you love you'll see that the quality of your posts improve. I used to hate writing my blog and now I love it. 

See What's Popular

You are not going to be the only person with a blog talking about the thing you like. See what's popular in your community. For example, in the book community, the issue that's popular is the lack of diversity in books. If that is something you feel strongly about, then join in the discussion. As a reader, it makes me sad to see that lack of diversity in books. In 2017, I definitely plan on reading more diverse books.

Follow Other People In The Community

This sort of links to my previous point, but see what the people you like are talking about. This may inspire you. I started the How to Bookworm series after watching Emmmabooks BookTubing 101 videos. I wanted to create a series of posts to help new book bloggers as the book blogging community is very small compared to BookTube which has grown massively since I first discovered it in 2013. 

So that concludes my Inspiration post. I hope you guys found this useful and if you have any other tips, please leave them in the comments.
Carenza x