Monday 3 February 2020

New Year (At Last)| Carenza Bramwell

It feels odd to be saying this in February, but Happy New Year! If you've been following my blog for a while, then you will know that I had to take a break from blogging towards the end of 2019 and well into 2020. I will admit that this break was longer than I had planned, however I am back and I intend to be blogging frequently for the foreseeable future. In the mean time, this post is going to a quick summary of my New Year plans, a little life update and what the future has install. 

What's Been Happening?

Let's start with a little life update. I am still in my second year of university, which means that I am officially halfway through my degree. It's a little bit scary to think I will be graduating next year, but I'll explain my rough plans for life after graduation in the future section of this post. 

Something I've already touched on is that I had to take a long break from my blog. This was because for most of the last few months of 2019, I wasn't well. I wasn't seriously ill, I should probably say, it was more a prolonged minor illness. I started to feel a bit run down towards the end of October and by mid-November I was spending most of my time in bed. It turns out, I had a nasty cold like virus and nothing serious. It just got to the point where I felt so drained all the time, I couldn't concentrate on most things. So far, my health has been okay and it was a bit of shock to feel so unwell for such a long time. I'm praying that something doesn't happen like that again. 

On a slightly more positive side, my family and I finally moved house. We've been in the process of moving house since August 2016 and moved into our new home in November 2019. It has been a lengthy process and we are still unpacking and sorting everything out. It's been a huge weight off our shoulders and something we're very happy about.

Those are some of the key things you need to know about what I've been up to for the past few months. I am writing a more in depth review of 2019, which will be posted later this week.


I am terrible at sticking to my resolutions, so this year I have picked five fairly simple ones that I am going to try and stick to. They are as follows:
  1. Develop New Chosen Skill (Drawing/Doodling) 
  2. Read Lots of Books!
  3. Work On One Non-Uni Writing Project
  4. Less Screen Time
  5. Set Time Aside To Relax
I'll quickly summaries why these are my chosen resolutions for this year. Number One- I do a creative degree and I spend so much time working on creative projects, something I'd like to do is develop a new creative skill. I've chosen drawing/doodling as it's something I was really passionate about up until a few years ago. So far, I've been drawing something every day and I'm proud of my progress.

Number  Two- This is a fairly explanatory one, but I wasn't happy with the amount of books I read in 2019. This year, I'm going to try and read two books a week. 

Number Three- As I've already mentioned, I do a creative degree and a lot of my time and energy goes into that. So, this year I've decided that I want to set some time aside to make sure that I work on one non-uni project. I started watching Piera Forde's video's towards the end of last year and it really inspired me to work on project for me, rather than for my degree. My plan at the moment, is to spend the next few months planning this project and then do the bulk of the writing over the summer when I should have less commitments. 

Number Four- I have to admit that I developed a fairly unhealthy addiction to how much time I was spending on my phone last year. I was obsessed with spending as little time as I could on my phone. This year, I am trying to do this in a healthier way. I want to spend less time on my phone and other screens. I think that so far I am achieving this, but I am trying to do so without the added pressure. 

Number Five- You may have gathered from my other goals, that I have a slight workaholic tendency that I have decided that this year I want to make time to relax. I know that this is going to be a healthy addition to my life and so far my only rule is I can't do any work on these days. It also makes me want to get all my work done before my chosen chill day. I think that making time for self-care is really important and it's something I know that I need to do. 

I plan on updating you guys on my progress every few months as the year progresses. 

The Future

Onto the final and slightly ominous last section of this post. What does the future have installed for me? Well, I'll let you know in this rough little plan that I have.

Firstly, let's talk about the future of this blog. Something I learnt since I rebooted my blog last September was that writing three posts a week, while being a full time student and having a life, was that it was too much. This year, I have decided that while I am in uni, I will write two posts a week. Once summer rolls around, I might go back to three posts a week, but that is something for future me to think about.

Secondly, my rough plans for the rest of 2020 involve finishing my second year of uni, which will take up the first five months of the year. Next, I am planning to stay in Bristol over the summer and work. At the moment, I will be splitting my time between work experience and my paid job. My last plan for this year is to go inter-railing for a month. I am desperate to do this and I have an idea of when and where formulating. This will then bring us to September, when I will start my third and final year of university. 

Lastly, I have had to start thinking about the future beyond university. My very tender, early plans are that I might do a masters in scriptwriting. Then after that, we'll have to see where the future takes me.

All the best,
Carenza x