Thursday 6 April 2017

Winter Update- January to March 2017| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

If you have followed me since this time last year, then you will know that every month I posted an update post. In these posts I discussed how my New Year's Revolutions were going and how things were generally. I decided to stop doing these posts every month as they became very repetitive.

1) Learn to Balance Work and Play

The first three months of 2017 have flown by and I have definitely got better at balancing the time I spend working and having fun. My year didn't get off to the best start as I got a really nasty cold only three days into 2017, which knocked me off course. I have had a lot of deadlines to meet, so I have been focusing on my schoolwork. When I haven't been working, I have been having lots of fun which has really improved my mood. 

2) Read More Than One Genre A Month

I think this may be the only Resolution I have completed every month (so far). I have been reading a lot more contemporaries as part of a reading challenge, which I will be talking about in a separate post. I have also been reading more scripts lately, which I have been enjoying.

 3) Improve Fitness

It's safe to say that I have failed this in the most spectacular fashion possible. Fail with a capital F. I have been so busy with college work and life, I barely have time to sit down to have fun and chill for a minute. I plan on starting this in the summer as I should have more free time then.

4) Be Happy

My happiness has been all over the place these past few months. College has been really stressful, which has been impacting my mental health. I haven't has as many periods were I'm sad/down for more than a week, which is good.

5) Be Organised

This one has improved a tiny bit. There have been times where I have been slacking because college is stressful all the time. It gets to a point where I'm so busy I don't tidy my room and I then spend my Friday evening tidying.

6) Join In More

I think that I have been joining in more, but not as much as I want to. I really hate contributing in class as I don't like having attention on me. I haven't really been participating much in the book community because I have been so busy. 

7) Have Fun

So far this year I have been having loads of fun. While I have been busy with college, I have been going to the theater lots and I've visited London a few times too. I had planned to go to a book signing at my local Waterstones but was unable to due to Storm Doris.


As you may have guessed from the amount of times I've mentioned it in this post, I have been very busy with college. I have 5 weeks until my exams so I am spending most of time revising. I've also restarted my singing lessons and I'm having so much fun doing them. 

I have recently rediscovered my love for the theater, so I have been going quite a bit. I plan on talking about it more at some point on here. 

Just a quick warning, posts are going to be a bit all over the place over the next few months because of exams. I am still going to be posting, but not as regularly because I need to focus on my exams. I hope you guys can understand why I'll be taking a little break.

So that concludes my Winter Update. I think I'll change the style for my next update which will be posted in July. 
Carenza x