Wednesday 1 February 2017

Is It Okay To Judge A Book By It's Cover?| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

For a while I have wanted to discuss judging books by there covers. I know that this can be quite a controversial topic within the book community as you are not supposed to judge a book by its appearance. So I going to talk through my thoughts on judging a book by its cover.

I personally think its okay to judge a book by its cover. Sometimes its the cover that draws you into reading the book. If a book has a really bright and catchy cover, you are going to pick it up to see what its about. I have bought some books because the covers intriguing.

I know that you are not supposed completely judge a book by its cover. I would never judge a book completely by its cover. I think its something we all secretly do in the book community as we are suckers for a pretty cover. If you love a book and see a beautiful edition, you are going to buy that edition.

Covers are really important as they help draw people in as well as subtly telling the reader what the book is about. Like I have already said, I have no problem with judging a book by its cover. If it gets more people to read the book, then that's great.

So that is it for this rather short post, let me know your thoughts on judging a book by its cover.
Carenza x