Wednesday 15 February 2017

How to Bookworm #5- Bookstagram| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

Welcome to the fifth part of my How to Bookworm series. In this post I am going to be talking about Bookstagram. I joined the Bookstagram community back in January 2016 and I've been having loads of fun ever since. I'm going to be sharing some of my tips in this post.

Photography Tips

My main photography tip is use a good editing software. You don't need a really expensive camera to take good quality photos. Most smart phones come with really decent cameras built in. On my instagram photos I use VSCO cam. If I am honest, I don't know what half the things do, but I know it makes my photos look pretty. 

Another tip for good quality photos is lighting. Make sure the lighting is bright! You don't need to go out and buy expensive studio lights, natural lighting will become your best friend. Admittedly, taking photos in Winter is very hard as there is hardly any natural light.

Keep a Theme

Another useful tip for Bookstagram is maintaining a theme. If your photos all go together, more people are likely to follow you and like your photos. Since I started sticking to a theme, I noticed my follower count grow. My theme at the moment is using a white background with my copper lamp which I mentioned my favourites video and some pine cones.

Frequent Posting

Like blogging, to maintain your audience, you need to post regularly. I tend to post once a day or twice a day if I haven't posted the previous day. Regular posting means that you have a good relationship with your audience and that you can talk to them every day. Also on Instagram, there are stories. I like to post on mine once every week, but it really depends on what I'm feeling like.

See What's Popular

A really useful tip is to follow lots of other Bookstagram accounts to see whats popular. By seeing whats popular, you're up-to-date and more people are likely to click on your profile. Another useful tip is using hashtags at the end of your posts as it allows people to search for similar things and then they'll find you.

So that concludes my How to Bookworm on Bookstagram, let me know if you have any tips for Bookstagram.
Carenza x