Wednesday 8 February 2017

How I Bullet Journal| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

So I am finally doing a blog post about bullet journaling. I have been planning this for ages but I have never been able to fit it into my upload schedule. So in this post I am going to be talking about how I do my bullet journal, if you would like a post about the equipment I use, let me know.

So this is what my bullet journal looks like from the outside. I use a small-ish Moleskin notebook. I bought it a few years ago and forgot I had it. I started it in April 2016 and should finish it around May-June. 

So this slightly blurry photo shows my Table of Contents pages. On the left hand page, I have an overview of what I like to include and my key code for all the different colours I use. Then on the right page I have my contents page (I number each page and this page tells me when each month starts). 

Recently I have seen lots of people who bullet journal do these pretty month style pages and I thought I would put my own spin on it. So in each corner I have specific goals for each of my four important areas: Reading (green), School/Studying (pink), Bookstagram (purple) and Blog (blue). This is an overview of my to do lists which I include at the end of each month. I also have included a specific goal and a word of the month.

So this is my monthly overview. At the top of the page I say what month it is. Then I have the days of the week across the top. Each box is labeled with what day it is. I know that February looks really busy, but this is where I keep track of what blog posts I have planned and then when I'm going to write them. The stuff in red is to do with important college related things.

This is last weeks spread. I separate a double spread into two sections. On the left hand page I have Monday-Thursday as I don't tend to have too much written down for those days as I am often in class. Then on the right I have Friday- Sunday, they're a bit bigger as I usually have more time to revise. I use really skinny washi tape to separate the days, I got it from Amazon ages ago for around 99p and I'm definitely going to need some more soon.

So this is this weeks spread. The reason there are two different colours of washi tape is because I ran out of the pale pink while making it. You can see that it is really empty as I have been doing Work Experience so I didn't know if I would have time to revise. 

This is the first of my two to-do-lists in my journal. I have covered some personal details with sticky notes. But I like to separate it into sections using colour. The left hand page has my social media section and the right hand page is my reading page. The reading page is separated into three sections: the top is my TBR, the middle is my Wrap Up and the bottom is releases.

The final part of my bullet journal is my school to do list and revision tracker. The left hand page is my school to do list. As it gets closer to exam season, my to do list will get larger. I started doing a revision tracker in November and I found it really motivational. I have it split into three sections, one for each of my subjects.

So that is the end of this blog post about bullet journaling. I'm sorry it took me so long to find times to post it. Let me know if you bullet journal and if you do it in a similar style to me.
Carenza x