Saturday 26 October 2019

Finding Time to Read| CarenzaOnBooks

At the moment, with my life being insanely busy, it feels like there is no time to read. I am constantly working or running around like a headless chicken. So, partly for my own benefit, partly for others, I thought I would share some tips on how to make sure you find time to read in your busy life. 

Have a Fixed Reading Time

This is something I definitely need to put in my life. So far this month, I've only read 3 books because I've been so busy. I try to read before I go to bed, but sometimes that doesn't work and I don't end up reading as much as I would like to. I might start trying to find time to read earlier in the morning rather than late at night, as by the time I'm crawling into bed I'm exhausted. Don't feel bad if you don't stick to your fixed reading time straight away as it will take time to become a part of your everyday routine. See where you have the most time available in the day and utilise that time for reading.  

Make the Most of Every Option Available to You

If you don't want to lug around a big heavy book around with you, then fear not, as there are other options available to you. I've started listening to audiobooks every-time I have to walk somewhere. I've found this means that I am getting something done and still using my time to read. I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks while I'm at the gym. I also used to use the Overdrive app a lot and when I would arrive early to my lectures, I would read whatever eBook I was reading before people arrived. It means you can get some reading done and not have to carry a huge book with you.

Use Reading to Relax

This is something I really need to do as I've been very stressed lately. Since I started blogging again and as I do a book heavy related course, sometimes it feels like reading isn't a hobby and that there is no time to relax. Sometimes it can feel like reading is a chore, but I'm trying to get back into the mindset that reading is something I enjoy. Reading before bed was something that I find relaxing. It helps you to feel sleepy. Depending on the book, reading should be a fun and relaxing experience. Take time in your day to wind down and to not spend every hour working. 

I hope these tips are helpful. Please let me know if you think I've missed anything as these are the tips I would find helpful.
Carenza :)x