Saturday 6 February 2016

January Wrap Up and February TBR 2016| It's Carenza B

So firstly I owe you guys an apology, this post was suppose to up yesterday (5/2/16) but this week has been a very emotional and busy week for me, and to top that I am coming down with a nasty cold. I haven't had the time to write and I felt really crap last night so I decided to chill in order to get better quicker.

Anyway, today I have my first Wrap Up and TBR post. You guys can tell that I am book obsessed, its got to the point were I am browsing Amazon for books and dying to get my hands on new covers (The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices new covers are to die for, shame they're only available in the US!). Anyway, lets get into the post!

January Wrap Up

This month was a very bad month for reading books, I only read two books! I have been stupidly busy and had family things to deal with, and because of this I only read two books! This is an all time low in book reading terms as I can usually read 3 or 4 books a month.

The first book I read was Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella from YouTube. This is the second book she has written and continues the story of Penny and Noah. Penny has just finished her GCSE's and has also stopped posting on her blog after receiving hate from the Media for dating Noah. Penny and Noah haven't seen each other in a long time and tonight Noah is performing in her local area, then going on tour around the world while taking Penny with him. Things then escalate and don't end well. I have to say I enjoyed the first book a lot more as it focused more an Penny as an individual and how she learnt to cope with her anxiety, whereas this book was more about Noah and Penny's relationship. I will admit I ready this over two days and really enjoyed myself, and unlike other Zoella "fans" I hope there isn't another book as I feel that the story has run its course and ended nicely. If you want I can review this for my Book Review Monday Series, leave a comment if this is something you would be interested in reading.

The other book I read was The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen, my full review can be read here and I won't ramble too much. I will say that I have a love-hate relationship with this book but am hoping the sequel to this book is a lot better than the first one in the series. 

February TBR

I have chosen three books to read this month, one classic and two Young Adult books. One of the books I have chosen I am half way through.

The first book I plan on reading is the one I am half way through and that is Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas. Holy crap, I love this book. It may be my fave so far in the Throne of Glass series, it's also the largest in series. I'm not going to say anything as I plan on review the series throughout the year, but I will say that I am really annoyed that I have caught up with the series and that I have to wait for the last 2 books to come out.

The next book I plan on reading is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I had to study this in 2014 for school and really enjoyed it but I didn't finish it. I recently saw a play version of it and it has reignited my love for the book and her writing style. I love Jane so much as she is such a strong independent person and she won't let anyone put her down.

The final book I plan on reading this month is The Kill Order by James Dashner. This book is the prequel to the Maze Runner series and I thought I'd start with this before reading the series. I really want to read the series so I can watch the movies as they look super good.

So that's it for today's post, sorry it's very short but I am still feeling super crappy and my writing skills aren't great at the minute. Don't forget to follow my Instagram and Twitter for more everyday updates (@itscarenzab) and don't forget to follow my blog. I was thinking of hosting a read a long type thing for Jane Eyre so let me know if you are interested in joining me. If you have any business type things email me at Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Carenza x