Friday 11 May 2018

April Favourites| CarenzaOnBooks

Another month has come and gone, which means once again it's time for a favourites post. April, to me, seemed to vanish in a blink of an eye. I feel like I spent the majority of it revising as my exams slowly but surely creep up on me. As far as favourites go, there wasn't that much new things in my life, so a lot of these will have featured in past favourites posts. I also have a confession- there will be no book favourite for the month as I had an awful reading month and didn't particularly enjoy any of the books I read. 


I went to London on my first solo trip to see The Kiss of the Spiderwoman- a new adaptation of a play that was once a book, but then it was a film and briefly a musical. It stared Samuel Barnett, who played Dirk Gently in the Netflix adaptation. I knew very little about it before going, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sadly, it was only on for a short amount of time and is no longer being performed. 

Even though I saw it on the very last day of April, I've decided to include it in my April favourites and that is Avengers: Infinity War. I'm not as invested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this film was one of the best ones and definitely didn't end how I thought it would. I am looking forward to the films to come.   


I'm not really a clothes/fashion person, but in April I picked up two new clothing items that I love. The first is a black denim jacket from the Men's section at New Look. As we are transitioning towards the warmer months in the UK, I needed a lightweight jacket for those days when it was still on the cold side. I love it to pieces and it's become a staple piece of clothing in my wardrobe.

The next item was something out of my comfort zone- a mustard yellow jumper. I wasn't sure if yellow was a colour that looked good on me, but I've come to love it and for once it adds a bit of colour to my wardrobe (I'm a monochrome kind of gal). But the reason I picked it up was because it says Avid Reader's Club on it. I had been looking for something that expressed my love of books and this was the perfect thing.   

So that concludes my rather short April favourites, I can't promise that May will be a better month, but once my exams are over, everything should go back to normal (ish).
Carenza x