Saturday 12 December 2020

The Anti-TBR Tag| Carenza Bramwell

Two tags in just over a week? How am I? I saw this on Books Nest's (Beth) YouTube channel and I thought it sounded like something I would enjoy. There are a lot of books I probably won't read and as someone who is mostly a mood reader, I think this tag was made for me. This tag was made by Nicole and Her Books on YouTube.  

A Popular Book That EVERYONE Loves But You Have No Interest In Reading?

I have seen lots of people raving about To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han. I even have a free copy downloaded on my iPad. These days I only tend to read contemporaries if they have an LGBT+ element to them. I don't pick them up as much as I used to. I'm not really interested in contemporaries that focus heavily on romance. These books just don't seem like they'd be for me, which is okay as I know they are well loved by many. 

A Classic Book or Author That You Don't Have Any Interest In Reading?

Classic fans will probably hate me but I just don't see myself reading any Jane Austen anytime soon. I even got rid of my copies last year. Again, from my knowledge, they focus quite heavily on romance and that just isn't my cup of tea. Maybe when I'm older, but for now, I don't see myself having a burning desire to read Jane Austen. 

An Author Whose Books You Have No Interest In Reading?

Sadly, I have to choose Naomi Novik. Once upon a time, I could have seen myself enjoying her books, but after the controversy with A Deadly Education, I wouldn't feel comfortable picking up her books. I find it very hard to say that there are authors I don't see myself picking up.

An Author You Have Read A Couple of Books From and Have Decided Their Books Are Not For You?

I have read almost all of Leigh Bardugo's books but the more I think about it, the more I realise they aren't for me. Maybe once the TV show has dropped, I might give them another chance, but I just found them a bit underwhelming. Six of Crows was made to be this epic book and I found it a bit dull. Ninth House is a book I see myself giving another chance to. 

A Genre You Have No Interest In OR A Genre You Tried But Couldn't Get Into?

It seems that everyone that picks this question answers with the same genre- Sci-Fi. I don't mind watching Sci-Fi, but reading it is something I struggle with. There have been very few, if any, Sci-Fi books I've enjoyed. It requires a lot of concentration and I think I just prefer fantasy. I would like to give The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Myer a go as they're based on fairytales. 

A Book You Have Bought But Will Never Read?

This is the only question I don't have an answer for as I don't tend to buy books unless I know I'm going to read them. I have received some books in subscription boxes in 2016-17 that I will never read, but I decided to donate my copies to charity. I like to give books a chance before I decided they aren't for me. 

A Series You Have No Interest In OR A Series You Started And DNFd?

I wanted to love Infinity Son by Adam Silvera. Sadly, I did not. I will not be continuing the series. I have got rid of my copy, despite the fact it came out this year. I was just underwhelmed and let down. I'm hoping it doesn't impact on the relationship I have with his other books as I loved them. 

A New Release That You Have No Interest In Reading?

Love, Creekwood by Becky Albertalli, the latest book in the Simon Vs universe. I loved Simon Vs or Love, Simon as it's now known. I don't see myself rereading it and I have no interest in continuing with the series. I liked that it was a standalone. There are probably some other new releases that I won't be buying but I have no clue what books are coming out in 2021.

That concludes my answers to the Anti-TBR tag. Consider yourself tagged by me!

Carenza :) x