Thursday 8 October 2020

Routines and Online Learning- Finding the Balance| Carenza Bramwell

As I mentioned in a post recently, I have started my journey into online learning. It was quite a scary transition, but after two weeks, I have to say I've got the hang of it. In today's post, I will talking about the importance of finding a routine when everything is online. 

My new uni desk!

The Magic of Bed

With everything being online, it can be tempting to just roll out of bed and to your desk. Still in your pjs, why bother changing if you never have to leave home? My first piece of advice would be to try your hardest not to do all your work from bed in your pjs. I know it's difficult but in the long run it will be better for you. 

Firstly, it allows for that distinction between bed and work. If, like me, your desk is in your room, then it can feel like you only ever spend time in your room. There's no separation between home and work. This can be bad for your mental health as you become to associate your room with either work or sleep. By getting out of bed and your pjs, it allows your brain to know that now is time to work not sleep. 

Secondly, it's also good for your physical health. Sitting at a desk allows you to support your back. Personally, in the last year or so I have developed back problems due to various reasons and I no longer find sitting in bed comfortable. I struggle at my desk, but at least I know my back is being supported correctly. 

Treat it Like a Normal Education

Again, this can be quite difficult to do, but treating it like a normal education is going to mean you get the most out of it. You wouldn't do this if you were having to go into university (or whatever educational establishment you're at), so treat it the same. It's a challenge that we're all currently going through and it's the current period of navigating it that is going to be the most difficult. You still have to do the prep work. You still have to take notes. You still have to show respect to those around you. Make the most of a bad situation and work your hardest to still get the grades you deserve.

Trial and Error

Like most things in life, there will be some trial and error in finding a routine that works for you. I sat down and created a routine that I intend to stick to and have I stuck to it so far? No. I'm working out if this is the right routine for me. Personally, I want to treat my last year of uni like a 9-5 job. Have set hours I know I'm going to work. It brings structure to my day. Something I struggled with once I had finished uni for the year was a lack of structure in my life. It was so tempting to just stay in bed all day and do nothing. Now, I don't have the time to do that. Depending on your work load, it might be easier to try a bunch of different routines until you find one that works for you. Once you've found that one that works, it will be amazing how life is easier to navigate.

It Takes Time

I'll leave you with this, these things take time. It's also okay if you don't always stick to your routine. You have to be able to adapt in when plans change. It can be frustrating to feel that you don't have total control in your life and finding a routine, especially at the moment, it a vital part of that. Take your time to experiment and then you'll find the perfect routine for you.    

Carenza :) x