Monday 26 October 2020

How to Create the Perfect Reading Playlist| Carenza Bramwell

If, like me, you like to curl up with a good book every now and then, a vital ingredient to this scenario is a good playlist. I used to be able to read in total silence but now I have to have some kind of music in the background. In this post, I will be talking about how to create the perfect reading playlist and what music I have in mine. I hope you enjoy!


Part of the reason I love a good reading playlist, is that it helps create a good atmosphere. It gets me in the mood to read. Obviously it depends on the book in question, but there will most likely be some music out there for any book you want to read. You can also tailor your music to the book/atmosphere you want to create. If you are reading an epic fantasy, something like the Lord of the Rings soundtrack would be perfect. However, if you wanted a more chill vibe, you could try some classical music. 

How to Make a Reading Playlist

My first tip would be to tailor it to your music style. Don't try and listen to something that you've never listened to before as you'll want to concentrate on that. You want something your familiar with so that the music washes over you rather than demands your attention. 

Secondly, unless you are someone who can listen to songs with lyrics in, I'd recommend choosing instrumental music. Soundtracks and classical musics are going to be your best friend. There's also a wide range out there, so there will be something out there for you. I really like movie and tv soundtracks as not only do they remind me of some of my favourite movies/tv shows, they add the atmosphere I mentioned earlier. I always have something to listen to when I'm reading. 

Ultimately, this all depends on your music taste. If you are like me, and enjoy instrumental music, then there is a lot to choose from. You might be someone who likes having songs on in the background. This is all about preference in the end. 

My Playlist

I have a playlist on my phone called "Reading Playlist". It is what I choose to listen to 95% of the time. On it you can find the following albums:
  • The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
  • Sherlock Soundtracks
  • Poldark Soundtracks
  • The Living and the Dead Soundtracks
  • Harry Potter music
  • The Musketeers Soundtracks
I think it goes without saying that I like soundtracks. Sometimes, I'll pick a specific album to listen to rather than the whole playlist. I also have an album of music by Bach on an accordion that I love listening to. It really depends on the book and my mood when I'm deciding what to read. 

I hope this has helped you create the perfect reading playlist.
Carenza :) x