Thursday 11 June 2020

Dear JK Rowling...I'm Breaking Up With You and Here's Why- An Open Letter| Carenza Bramwell

Dear JK Rowling,

To put it bluntly, I'm breaking up with you and here's why.

You are transphobic. There is no other word for what you are. You should have learnt from your blunder in December, but you didn't. Instead, you chose to stick your nose in it at the worst possible time, Pride Month. The month where we celebrate the LGBT community. I think you missed the memo and instead, chose to degrade them publicly.  Even worse, you defended your actions and refused to apologise. 

I am embarrassed to be a fan of your work. I am ashamed to have supported you for most of my life by reading your books. Watching films from your worlds. Buying your merchandise. Giving you probably thousands of my families and friends money. I am sad and disappointed that you have tainted something that was very special to me. 

Harry Potter was a safe haven for me. A world I could happily return to over and over, never getting bored and feeling at home there. Now, I'm not sure I can do so in the same way without feeling a deep sense of guilt and sadness. For someone who wrote about those rising up against extremists, parroting ideology that only the "purest" are the best, it seems you need to educate yourself. As a grown women, this is something you should be able to do quite easily, but sadly I doubt you will. 

The lack of diversity in your books is shocking. I believe only a small handful of characters are specified as being people of colour. You add details of diversity after many years, only to make yourself relevant and on board with what is popular. If Dumbledore is gay, why not say so? Why add it in as a side comment? If Hermione was black, why not say so? They are not your tokens of diversity. They are fully fleshed out characters and to add these seemingly very important details years later is just poor effort on your part. 

I do not believe that I can stand by you with a good conscious anymore. You have hurt so many people with your cruel and backwards comments. The people associated with you, Daniel Radcliffe, Katie Leung and many others are now embarrassed to be connected to you. They have had to make public statements condemning you and your actions. It is 2020 and your views are severely outdated. Learn to move forward with time, not against.

I will still remain a fan of Harry Potter, but not of you. It is difficult to separate the two, but it is the only way not to loose the precious memories I have associated with Harry and his magical, supportive world. If I ever choose to buy something that is Harry Potter themed, I will be donating money to charities that support trans people and their rights to balance out the fact that you are getting my hard earned cash, even though you no longer deserve it.

I truly hope that you learn from your mistakes and take the time to educate yourself. You clearly need it and the internet is free, with many incredible resources. In the meantime, I have broken up with you and already feel better for it.

Yours sincerely,