Saturday 16 November 2019

My Favourite TV Shows| CarenzaOnBooks

A while back, I made a post all about my favourite movies. In the spirit of that post, I thought I'd make one all about my favourite TV shows. I have a lot of favourite TV shows so picking my favourites is going to be interesting.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine may be my favourite TV show of all time. I only started watching it in March of this year, but I've watched every series at least 4 times. I love that the episodes are only twenty minutes each. The characters are all great. It has the perfect balance between comedy and series moments. Series Six wasn't the best, but I'm hoping once I rewatch it once it drops on Netflix.


This is definitely a childhood favourite, however I watched a few years ago and I still really enjoyed it. It could be that I have a lot of memories attached to it, but Merlin and Arthur are great characters. It adapted a well known story into a classic TV show. I rewatched it for the first time since it finished back in 2012 last year and I was surprised by how much I still enjoyed it. 


I still remember watching the very first episode way back in 2010. The wait between seasons would always be antagonising. I rewatched the entire series on Netflix this summer and fell in love with it again. It's cleverly written. The actors are incredibly talented. Part of me wishes I could experience this show afresh over and over because it's that good. Sherlock will always have a special place in my heart. 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This is the only show on this list that I haven't seen all the episodes for. I have about ten episodes of the final season left to watch and I am determined to finish them before the end of the year. I was raised listening to the soundtrack for Once More With Feeling. Buffy is a phenomenal show and despite the fact that the last episode aired over 16 years ago, it feels timeless. Once I've finally finished Buffy, I will watch Angel. 

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

If you've been a long time reader of my blog, then this one will probably not come as a surprise. When I first stumbled across Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, I just thought it sounded a bit entertaining and was in need of a new series to watch. Little did I know that I would go on to watch it at least three times in that year. I'm still gutted that it never got a third series as it rightfully deserves. If it ever does, I will be over the moon. 

Honourable Mentions 

Like with my my best films post, I thought I'd include some honourable mentions.


I've actually just started to rewatch Grimm for the first time since the final season aired and I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. I've also forgotten how much of a slow burn this show has. It's another one with great characters and a great world. Can't wait to continue my rewatch.  


This is somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine, but I can't help but love Lucifer! It has to be mainly because of Tom Ellis' phenomenal acting skills. I am dying for season five and cannot believe it's going to be the last one. 

Agent Carter

If Agent Carter hadn't been cancelled and had had a decent ending, it would have made it on to my favourites section. Peggy is an amazing character and I loved the tone of the show. It's one I'd love to see them revive at some point in the future. 

Doctor Who

I had to include Doctor Who on the list, it was non-negotiable. I've been watching it faithfully since I was a kid. My favourite doctor has to be David Tennant. I'm always excited for the next season and can't wait to see what they do with the show as the years progress. 

Game of Thrones

If it hadn't have been for the final season, Game of Thrones might have made it on to the favourites list. However, due to the dreadful final season, it deserves to be in honourable mentions. I loved the characters and how invested I became. If only it hadn't had such a dreadful final season, the potential that was wasted!