Saturday 28 September 2019

Life As A Non-Drinker At University| CarenzaOnBooks

We all know about the heavily ingrained drinking culture at university. Whether you're based in the UK or not, drinking is a key feature of your time at university. However, it is possible to go to university and not drink. I do want to start this post by saying that I am not trying to demonize the drinking culture and that I have nothing against alcohol. I also want to say that I am not trying to tell you that you cannot drink ever. If you want to drink alcohol, then that's great, but please respect other people's decisions when they say that they don't want to. 

I used to, very rarely, drink alcohol. However, once I started university I quickly realised that I really didn't like it. The reason I decided to stop drinking was that I didn't like the taste. I have no moral objection to drinking, it's purely a personal one that I don't like the way it tastes. In my first year of university, I got drunk maybe three times. Each time I didn't feel great emotionally the day after, hangover wise I was fine. It was through these experiences that I realised drinking wasn't for me. I made the decision to stop drinking entirely over the summer. I felt that there was no point trying to force myself to drink when it wasn't something I was enjoying. 

I thought that in this post I would share some tips on how you can also get through university as a non-drinker. I've come up with three tips which have helped me in my life and they might help you.

Establish Clearly Why You Don't Drink

For whatever reason, you have decided not to drink, make it clear to those around you why. It could be for religious reasons, personal experience or like me, you don't like the taste. Just make it clear and most people will respect your decision. Some people will have a hard time understanding why you don't want to drink, but if you just talk to them, they will come around. My housemates are very understanding and quickly accepted that I didn't drink. It can be difficult once people around you are drunk and they forget why you don't drink, just remind them in a friendly way and they'll be alright. The key to this step is to not come across as superior or judgemental. Explain in a calm and friendly way and most people will be accepting of why you aren't drinking.

Be Firm When People Get Pushy

It can be very hard when people are drunk and are trying to get you to join in. Peer pressure is real, but you don't have to give into it. Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph, just stand your ground and explain to them in a non-passive aggressive way. Sometimes I find it easier to remove myself from the situation entirely to avoid feeling like I have to do something that I don't want to do. In the morning you can explain that you felt uncomfortable and that's why you left. Being honest with people will make the situation easier for all involved.

You Can Still Join In Even If You Don't Drink  

My housemates and I are partial to the evening in. They like to get drunk and I like to hang out with them. The day I'm writing this post, the previous night two of my housemates went out for the evening and I kept them company while they were doing pre-drinks. It was one of the best nights of my life because I was having fun with my friends. I can still play drinking games with non-alcoholic drinks. I can still hang out with my friends if I'm not drinking. I'm very lucky in that my friends don't mind that I don't drink and even though I won't drink, they go out of their way to make sure I feel included. A lot of my best memories are of my friends and I hanging out while they're drinking. Yes, sometimes it is a bit tiring making sure they're okay, but on the whole, I wouldn't change a thing about it.

So those are some of my tips on how I manage my life at university as a non-drinker. I'm sure that if I can do it, then you guys can do it too.
Carenza x :)