Thursday 26 September 2019

How to Have a Inspirational Workspace| CarenzaOnBooks

Just like any student, actually doing my university work is something I tend to dread. It means hours spent huddled over a desk as you slowly lose the will to live. Something I decided to work on this year was to make sure that my workspace was somewhere I wanted to spend time at. I thought it would be helpful to new and old students alike if I shared my tips on how to have a motivational workspace.  

Use Things That Inspire You

Something I struggle with in particular is motivation so as a way to combat that, I chose to put some inspirational items on my desk. I have an art print of my favourite play propped against my desk and I find that by looking at it, I actually want to do more work. I also have two Pop Funkos from one of my favourite films on my desk. Obviously, this varies from person to person and what subject you are studying, but as a writer, I find it helps to have something by a writer that inspires you near your workspace. I also have a bookcase next to my desk filled with trinkets and books. I like being able to look at this when I need a break from looking at my laptop. A lot of my trinkets come from bookish and writer-related things, which means I am surrounded by even more inspiration.  

Add a Bit of Colour

If you are anything like me, then having a plain room will just depress you. The same goes for my workspace. It's somewhere I am going to be spending a lot of time, so I want to feel motivated to spend time there. I tried to make sure the items I put on my desk were colourful to brighten up the place. I also did this as the furniture around the desk are all dark wood colours and it can feel a bit dark and depressing. I added some plants in colourful pots, as well as brightly colour ben pots. I even have a little ceramic dish where I store my important everyday things (keys, wallet etc) and that looks colourful too. You don't have to go overboard, but a splash of colour can go a long way. 

Functional but Pretty

It's all very well having an Instagram worthy desk, but if it's too pretty then you can't use it. A way to make something motivational but functional is to have funky pen pots. I have a dinosaur mug that I bought from Asda as I loved it so much I knew I needed it in my life. I also have this small blue one that looks like book spines that I bought in Bruges. I knew I needed somewhere to store my receipts and my loose change, so a few years ago I bought these tins. Not only are they functional, but they're nice to look at. You can also add some costers to a workspace which are nice to look at but protect your desk from mug stains. It is possible to have a balance between an Instagram worthy desk and for it to be useable. 

Keep it Tidy

I have come to the realisation over the years that I cannot function in a messy or untidy environment. My desk is the same. For me, having a tidy desk motivates me to work. What I've started doing is to tidy my desk after each task. So if I know I don't need the book I've been reading, I'll put it back on my bookshelf. It's a fairly obvious tip, but if you can't actually work at your desk. I know from experience that working in my bed, while comfortable, means I end up doing less work and often leads to naps. Just take a few minutes every day to make sure your workspace is tidy and then you'll be motivated to work. 

I hope these tips help you to stay motivated during this academic year!
Carenza x :)