Sunday 7 January 2018

2018 Reading Goals| CarenzaOnBooks

I know I said that I wouldn't be making any resolutions for 2018, but I've been enjoying watching on YouTube people's reading goals for the year and I figured it was never too late to jump on the bandwagon. I've thought of a few reading goals plus some goals for my blog as in June I will be celebrating my blog's third birthday.

  1. Read more frequently
  2. Read more of the books I own
  3. Be more sensible with my book purchases
  4. Read more plays
  5. Finish the series I've started
  6. Hit 100 followers on here
  7. Make more content about my other interests
  8. Go to more signings

1) Read more frequently

While I had a good reading year in 2017 and read 68 books, I want to read more frequently. I developed the bad habit of watching YouTube before bed and now that I've stopped this, I want to use this time to read. I'm currently on my third book of the year and I am loving reading. I am not going to set myself a goodreads goal (my goal is 1 book, which I've already met) as I find it really pressuring. 

2) Read more of the books I own

I own a lot of books, but I know I've not read all of them. I want to start reading more of the books on my shelves as they are groaning with unread books. I probably have a lot of books to read on them, which means I don't need to buy as many books.

3) Be more sensible with my book purchases

I bought way too many books last year, so this year I am going to be sensible with the books I buy. I've decided to limit myself to 50 books this year. I know this may seem like a lot, but I used to be able to get 50 over a short period. I am definitely going to use charity shops more as you get books for a good price and the money goes to charity.

4) Read more plays 

As I want to be a playwright when I finish full-time education, I think it's time I started reading more plays. I think I read about 5 or 6 in 2017, but I want to read a lot more and I have a lot to choose from as my college library has a big selection.

5) Finish the series I've started

Not including the series that have books to come out, I have some series that I own all the books off and haven't finished. I think there is about 5 or 6 that I have to finish, so it shouldn't be that hard, but it will require some rereading as I've forgotten what happened in them.

6) Hit 100 followers on here

As I have had my blog for nearly three years, I would really like to get my follower count to three figures. This does mean some hard work for me and that I have to remember to tweet the links to my posts (you all know how terrible I am at this). But if I hit 100 followers this year, it would be a dream come true. 

7) Make more content about my other interests 

This has been something I've wanted to do for a while, but 2018 will be the year I do this. I want to talk about Harry Potter, Pop Funkos, Tsum Tsums, the theatre and all the films/ tv series I like. I also want to share more of the pieces I've been writing as writing is a passion of mine.

8) Go to more book signings

Last year, I went to three signings and while that is the most I've been to in a year, I want to try and go to more. I also want to go to at least one in London as I always see photos from them and they look amazing. 

So that concludes my 2018 reading goals, I think I'll do an update post for it in 2019 and I wish you all the best with your 2018 reading goals!
Carenza x