Friday 24 March 2017

Beauty and the Beast Live Action Movie Discussion| It'sCarenzaB

Hey Guys!
How are you?

Last Friday, on March 17th, the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast was released into the world. It's safe to say that it has been very successful at the box office and lots of fans have been loving it. When I first heard they were doing a live-action version, I was very dubious as Beauty and the Beast is my all time favourite Disney film. I wanted to be Belle and find someone who could give me a library (still haven't found them tbh). But, in this post I am basically going to be gushing in a fangirly way over the film. This will contain spoilers for the film, so if you have not watched either versions, you cannot read this post.

Beauty and the Beast Live Action Movie Discussion- Contains Spoilers

Can I just say that I love the movie poster? I managed to buy a A4 print from eBay that was signed (someone had printed the signatures onto the print) and I can't wait to pin it up.

As I have already stated, I am a huge fan of BatB (Beauty and the Beast), so I was worried that it might not live up to my expectations and ruin my memories of the original. In my opinion, the live-action version is better than the original. It fixes plot holes the original had and I found I could relate to it more seeing real people rather than cartoons.

Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as Belle and Beast retrospectively were amazing. They had a wonderful on screen chemistry (and off-screen, I have been binge watching interviews they have been doing). The rest of the cast were brilliant and I have been listening to the soundtrack on repeat.

My favourite song is Evermore, which is a new song that the Beast sings as Belle leaves. It filled the gap that the original movie left and was one of the most emotional songs ever. Dan Stevens is an amazing singer. I am 100% going to be buying the deluxe version of the soundtrack as it is just too perfect.

When it was announced that LeFou (Josh Gad) was a gay character, there was a lot of controversy. In my opinion, the controversy hype was overwhelming. There were very subtle hints, but nothing was explicitly shown that LeFou was gay. I personally see it as him looking up to Gaston and there is a tiny bit of love in their relationship. 

The cinematography was truly beautiful. The CGI or whatever they used to create the Beast and the castle's inhabitants was amazing. I liked how you could kind of see the actors faces through the characters they played. Looking at the poster, I can see Dan Stevens face through the Beast ( I am not saying that Dan Stevens is a beast, but I can see him through the Beasts face).

I cannot wait for this to come out on DVD and I will be making another trip to my local cinema at some point soon to go and see it again because I cannot wait for it to come out on DVD.

So that concludes my fangirl-esque discussion of Beauty and the Beast. Let me know what you thought of the movie and if you loved it as much as I did.  
Carenza x