Friday 22 January 2016

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass Review| It's Carenza B

So if you didn't read my birthday book haul, then you won't know that I bought Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. Anyway, 2 months later I finally got round to picking it up and reading it. I instantly fell in love, it was a brilliant read and had me hooked from the start. I think I finished it about a month ago*, which isn't as fast as I would usually read a book. I have even pushed Harry Potter to one side so I can read this series, and I'm glad I did. If you haven't read it, then I urge you to do so as it is a bloody good read! So without further a do, here is my review!

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram then you'll know I want to start a book review series, this post is kind of a trial post to see if you guys like it. Also I want to clarify that this review will be as spoil free as I can make it.

* I read this in October and planned to put it up in November/December, but I became super busy so I had to push it back to January so in real fact when this goes up it will have been around 3 months since I read it*

Cover Design

So it seems only right to start with the cover as that is the first thing you see when picking up a book, now I know it's wrong to judge a book by its cover but this cover is beautiful! Just look at it! The title is embossed with silver lettering, and the blue glow around the girl on the cover. I love how it is on a white background as it makes the title stand out and go "look at me!". Overall, I rate the cover 5/5.


Not only is the front cover beyond beautiful, the blurb is too! It's the same girl as the front but from the back. Instead of being dressed in combat gear she is dressed in this beautiful dress. I love the pale blue tint to the image and how it makes her look like she is glowing.


OMG, the plot. How do I even began to describe the plot without ruining it?? The plot follows the life of Celaena Sardothien, an 18 year old assassin in the fictional kingdom of Adarlan. After a year in a slave camp, Celaena finds herself in front of the prince who offers her freedom by competing to become the Kings assassin. As the only female in the competition, she finds herself up against an assortment of criminals. During her time in the palace Celaena becomes close with the Captain of the royal Guard, Chaol and the crown prince, Dorian. As she makes her way through the competition, several fellow criminals are mysteriously wind up being killed in the most brutal way. Celaena must now survive the attacks and the competition. Not only must she survive being attacked, she must figure out who her heart belongs to and pick one of two dashing men who care about her deeply.


 In a Throne of Glass there are lots of lovable characters that you meet and get to know as the books go on. I am going to tell you some of my favourites and some I think you need to know about. Obviously, I have to talk about Celaena. Celaena, in my opinion, is the queen of bad-asses. I absolutely love her, in a competition dominated by men she manages to shine and overcome them. There have been lots of traumas in her past that have made her who she is and this adds to her personality. Although she finds the competition hard and hates the idea of working for the king, she manages to persevere in order to gain her freedom. I love books with strong female characters and this has easily become one of my fave book series ever. She doesn't let anything stop her and works for what she wants not what others want.

The next character I want to talk about is Chaol Westfall, he is the Captain of the Kings guard and is really young for his position. Throughout the book you learn reasons why he is the Captain and things about his past. At first I wasn't to keen on him and saw him as a bit of a thug, but you soon come to realise that he cares deeply for Celaena and Dorian, who I will talk about next. You also learn that he works well with Celaena even though they fight a lot at first, he takes great interest in her training throughout the competition.

Next we have Dorian Havilliard, Crown Prince of Ardalan. Again, like Chaol I wasn't wowed over by him, seeing him as an arrogant prince. At the beginning of the book you learn that Dorian is a bit of a player with the ladies and has a reputation for it.But as you get to know him, you discover that he's actually a kind person. Unlike his little brother, he is a lot more docile and also takes part in Official Court based things. Like Chaol, he also cares for Celaena and does have romantic feelings for her.

Finally I am going to talk about Princess Nehemia from Ellywe. Nehemia is a strong-willed person who refuses to let people look down on her. While staying in the castle, she pretends she can't speak the native language and speaks in her own native language. Luckily Celaena speaks Nehemia's natural language and the two become friends. I love Nehemia as she supports Celaena and speaks her mind openly.


As you can probably tell, I love this book and am currently reading the fourth one in the series. I am actually sad that I have caught up with the series as now I have to wait ages to read the last two books and the prequel novellas. The reason I love this story is that Celaena started of bad and chose to take part in the competition for her own benefits rather than others. I feel that a lot of books like this start with something happening to the protagonist and this forces them to become involved in the magical/ dystopian world they live in. I love the idea behind the series as well, which is basically a retelling of Cinderella but instead of being sweet and innocent, Cinderella is an assassin. Also you have some truly vile characters in this book who are out for their own gain.

I highly recommend that you guys read this series as I think it's amazing and I wouldn't be reviewing it if I didn't like it. Please let me know if you like this type of post and want more like this for my Book Review Monday series. As I said at the beginning this is a trial post so I would find it super helpful if I was given some critical/ constructive feedback. Don't forget to follow my blog and follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@itscarenzab), I have started posting daily book themed posts which need some love. If you have any post requests or business inquires please email me at
Carenza x