Wednesday 6 January 2016

Best of Books 2015| It's Carenza B

Welcome to the second post in a series I'm calling "Best of", in which I look back at things that I loved in 2015. This one is all about books and which were my favourite books of this year. Since the start of this year I have read so many new books and re-read old favourites, but somehow I managed narrow it down to my top 5 books/ series of 2015. Enjoy!

These books are in no particular order other than when I grabbed them of my shelf to take there photos.

First we have Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, I read this in July after seeing so many book-tubers hype it and it rightly deserves the hype. The story takes place in a fictional world of Norta, were the people are divided by class- your either a common Red like Mare or a powerful Silver like Prince Tiberias (who is called Cal). Without giving too much away, in the society the Silvers have special powers and when pressured it is revealed that Mare has powers. The book follows her journey about learning to control her powers and surviving in the royal palace. I can't wait to read the second book, Glass Sword when it comes out this year.

 Next we have a classic, around the end of  July I started to re-read the Harry Potter series. I don't think I need to explain the plot of Harry Potter and if you don't know it, go read it. I grew up reading and listening to the books and waiting for the films to come out. We had this rule in my house hold that I wasn't allowed to watch the movie until I had read the book, I ended up seeing the last three movies in the cinema and having to watch the rest on DVD. I love Harry Potter and I have lots of fond memories about it. I tend to re-read it at least once a year to refresh my mind and I find that every time I read it I learn something new.

Next we have a very hyped up book and that is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester aka danisnotonfire and amazingphil. This book was massively hyped up in the YouTube world and in my opinion, the hype was unnecessary. Don't get me wrong I liked the book but it wasn't my favourite book I read in 2015. There are bits that are funny and there are loads of pictures, it is basically another part of the world of Dan and Phil.

The next series I want to talk about is the Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Sthol, this was the first series I started book blogging about. I love it, it follows the story of Ethan Wate, a seemingly normal boy and a girl called Lena Duchannes. Lena is the niece of the towns reclusive and when she arrives at Gatlin School, things start going weird. It turns out that she is a witch (Caster) and on her 16th birthday she will claimed for the light or the dark. The series follows their relationship and how they overcome everything in their path. This is probably my second favourite series of the year.   

And finally we have my favourite series of the year which was the Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J Mass. This is beyond superb. The series follows an assassin called Celaena Sardothien in the Kingdom of Adarlan. She is summoned to the palace to take place in a competition to become the Royal Assassin. The story follows her journey through the competition and her getting used to her freedom. I don't want to give too much away as I plan to review the book, which should be going up at the end of this month.    

So those were my top 5 books of 2015, leave a comment saying what your favourite books are and maybe we can all get some good recommendations. Don't forget to follow me on instagram and twitter @itscarenzab. You can also follow my blog by clicking follow, if you have any post requests please feel free to email me on my business email
Carenza x