Thursday 11 November 2021

A Little Life Update| CarenzaOnBooks

Today's post is a bit different from normal, because I wanted to do a very little life update. I have some very exciting news to share. This is a post about jobs and the future, content creation, and just a little catch up.

So the big news is that I am currently working as a Christmas Bookseller at my local Waterstones! This is a temporary position, but I couldn't be happier working here. After applying for jobs for 5 months, on my 25th application, I got lucky. I'll be working at Waterstones for the next few weeks during the Christmas period. I've had my first day as I'm writing this and honestly, I can't wait to go back and be surrounded by books again.

As I'm now working, I have less time to create content. Which leads me onto my next point. I might have to change my schedule across my three main platforms. I currently post on Instagram 5 times a week, with daily stories. I tweet every day and I'm writing two blog posts a week. As I get busier in December, I'm planning on going to one or two posts a week on here. I might also go to one reel a week as filming more than that (especially in winter with limited day light) is going to be a challenge. So, if my content schedule changes, that's why.

This is just a little post to say that I'm working as a bookseller (and loving every second) and that things might change. My priorities will be work, reading and then content creation as if I'm not reading, I can't do my job or create content. But, I am one happy bookworm. There's now a million books to add to my TBR. Working in Waterstones has been a dream of mine and I can't believe it's actually happened.