Monday 22 November 2021

That's It, I'm Going on a Book Buying Ban| CarenzaOnBooks

Today's post is a small post about why I am going on a book buying ban and to make it actually official. As of this post going live, I am going to go on a book buying ban until I have made a significant dent on my TBR. I fully intend to stick to it this time. The only exceptions to this rule are for new books in series I'm already reading, so I can continue them, and special editions I'm worried I'll miss out on. Even then, I am going to be super strict about this list. 

The reason I am going on a book buying ban is because I have reached maximum capacity for my TBR books. I have almost 200 on my Goodreads list, which is more than enough to keep me busy for the foreseeable future. From 2017 till the start of the pandemic, I actually had a very strong control on my book buying habits. I was at uni and a student, so I had limited resources to buy books. However, since the pandemic started, that restraint went out of the window. I don't regret my decisions because these books have provided me with so much joy during a terrible time, but now it's time to stop. 

By writing this post, it's something I have to hold myself accountable for. It will make sure I actually stick to this book buying ban. And it's not like I'm short of books to read. I have plenty to keep me busy, probably enough to read for the entirety of 2022, seeing as my average is around 80 books a year. I also think that by having this ban, it will encourage me to tackle my backlog so I can then make space for the new books in the future. My TBR piles around my bedroom are getting out of control and it's time to tame them. I want a collection of books I've read, so I can go, look at all the books I've read and loved! 

So this was just a small post to say it's time for my book buying ban to begin. I will resist temptation, especially from work as I'm surrounded by books all day. So if you follow me on other social media platforms and you see me talking about books I've bought, you have my permission to shout at me because I need it.