Monday 15 February 2021

Anti-Valentine's Day Book Tag| Carenza Bramwell

Happy belated Valentine's Day! Whether you celebrate it or not, you cannot avoid this celebration. Personally, I've never celebrated it as it's my Grandma's birthday and I'm comfortably single. However, in the spirit of the season, I thought I would to a Valentine's themed book tag. I found this one on Storme Reads A Lot, the original post is linked here. I hope you enjoy!

1) Name a Character That Annoys You For No Apparent Reason

I recently read Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas and I could not get along with the main character. She was kinda annoying, but mostly I just didn't like her. It's very hard to annoy me so it took me by surprise by how annoying I found her. I can't even remember her name.

2) What's A Book You Read That Ended in Total Heartbreak?

The last time I remember crying at a book was back in 2018 in a reread of Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. That book makes me weep every time. Again, it's very hard to make me cry about books, so that is the last time I remember being heartbroken over a book.

3) What's A Book Where One of Your Favourite Characters Doesn't Make It?

I'm not going to give it away, but there was a character death in The King of Crows by Libba Bray that made me so angry. They deserved better and I cannot believe they were killed off. Also this series deserved a better ending which made this characters death even more annoying.

4) A Character That's A Total Buzz Kill?

I just finished reading The Poppy War by R.F Kuang and thinking about it, I didn't vibe with Altan. I'm just not sure what the point of his character and story arc where. This is a very loose answer as I literally couldn't think of anyone else.

5) A Book In Which the Dreaded Love Triangle Makes An Appearance?

Cassandra Clare loves a good love triangle. Heck, the woman loves a good love octagon at this point. I love Cassie's books, but I am getting a bit frustrated with this all who's into who in each series. I'm still going to read her books, but I would like it if we could move away from all this complicated romance. 

6) Name a Book Filled with Action Packed Fighting Scenes.

I've already mentioned it, but The Poppy War had some epic fight scenes. This is a book about war, so it's unsurprising. I thoroughly enjoyed how much action was in this book, which at times did get a bit gruesome, but I really enjoyed this book. 

7) A Book In Which the Older Brother Causes Issues for the Main Couple?

Honestly, I can't really think of any. There are probably some, but none are coming to mind.

8) A Really Sad Book That Makes You Cry Your Eyes Out While  Simultaneously Breaking Your Heart?

I hate repeating myself in a tag as it can come across quite lazy, but Clockwork Princess broke my heart. I cried at least three times while reading. I've read this book at least four or five times and I still cry each time. It's just a very well written romance. 

9) A Book Filled With Blood and Gruesome Scenes You Can't Get Out of Your Head?

House of Blood and Earth by Sarah J Maas. Although I can't remember much about this book, there are some stand out gruesome scenes I cannot forget. I'll have to read it again and I'm not looking forward to those scenes. 

10) What's Your Favourite Anti-Valentines Day Movie?

I'm going to have to pick Lady Bird. Yes this does have romance in it, but at it's core it's about family and friend love over romantic love. Also I may be picking this because it's my favourite movie. 

I hope you enjoyed this anti-valentines day tag!

Carenza :) x