Monday 6 July 2020

Top 10 Books I Want to Read This Summer| Carenza Bramwell

We are now officially in the summer months, and as September is starting to loom in the distance, it's got me thinking. I want to make the most of the remaining two months I have "off" from university and what I can do to fill the time. In today's post I will be talking about the top ten books that I want to read by the end of summer. This list will be made up of books that I already own, rather than books that are coming out in the next few months.

Days of Blood and Starlight & Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

I had read the first book in this series about two years ago and really enjoyed it. I don't know why I didn't decide to continue with it. I then read and adored the Strange the Dreamer duology by Laini. I am determined to finish the books of hers that I own as she is an incredible writer. I will have to read a recap of book one, but I know this will be another series that I adore. 

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

The only contemporary book I have unread on my TBR at the time of writing this post. I bought this many years ago and I did try to read it but I stopped for some reason. I remember loving Fangirl when I read that and this is the story that was featured in Fangirl. I've heard good things about it so I'm hoping that I enjoy it. I desperately need more contemporary books in my life. 

The Winners Curse by Marie Rutoski 

Again, another book I've had on my TBR for a while. This was supposed to be a good political YA Dystopian novel. I'm really passionate about politics so I'd like to see how it plays out in YA book. I only have the first book which might be a problem if I end up loving it. I also want to see if I like Marie's writing style as I know she's released a book recently which has LGBT elements in and I want to see if that book would be for me. 

The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

As a cat lover, I have quite a few fiction books about cats. My mum and I picked this up a few years ago but for some reason I've never read it. It is on my TBR for this month as I always need more cat related things in my life. 

Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery 

I remember reading about half of this as a child and enjoying it, but then I just stopped it. This seems to be a common theme with me and books. It's a classic that I've had on my shelves for about ten years, so I figured it is finally time to read it. I've been trying to tackle more of my classics and modern lit books as it's one of the genres I neglect the most. I need to break my habit of just reading fantasy and contemporary books. 

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 

Surprise suprise, another classic I need to read. I enjoyed Jane Eyre when I was younger so in my mid teens, I thought I should try books from the other Bronte sisters. I even own a very fancy edition that I bought for my 16th birthday. I hope I like this as much as I enjoyed Jane Eyre. 

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh 

A YA Classic. I'm a bit apprehensive about reading this one as I read Renee's most recent release and I didn't enjoy it that much. I've been making my way through the back list of popular YA books, so this is another one I need to get to. I know it's inspired by A Thousand and One Arabian Nights. The Classic YA books are a bit hit and miss with me. I think a lot of them I would have loved when I was younger, but now I find they're not for me.

Illumina and Gemina by Aimee Kaufman and Jay Kristoff 

The last set of books on my list. I actually won my copies in a Twitter giveaway hosted by Fairyloot. These are also books considered to be YA Classics. I know that they're told in a unsual format so I'm looking forward to reading them. Sci-fi isn't a genre I often read, but I'm trying to read books outside my comfort zone. 

So these are some books I'm planning on reading over the summer months. What are you planning on reading?
Carenza :) x