Monday 13 July 2020

The Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag 2020| Carenza Bramwell

It's that time of year when every bookish person on the internet is sharing this tag, so why be original, when you can jump on the bandwagon? This tag was created by IsThatChami and EarlGreyBooks, both are BookTubers. 

1) Best Book You've Read So Far in 2020

It's cliched, but I have to say Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare, the latest instalment in the Shadowhunter Chronicles. I haven't read many 5 star books this year (outside of the HP books, which always get five stars even though I despise their creator). It made me fall in love with this world again after the last two books didn't land so well with me. I have a soft spot for the London Shadowhunters, they will always be my favourites. 

2) Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2020

Hands down, it has to be Heartstopper Volume Three by Alice Oseman. I adore this series and it happens to be one of the very few sequels I've read this year. Alice has become one of my favourite authors and I will always buy whatever she releases as she is an amazing author. Plus all her books feature LGBT characters and they're amazing.  

3) New Release You Haven't Read Yet, But Want To

Despite hearing mixed things about it, I've been really interested in reading The Gravity of Us. It's an LGBT novel about two boys connected by the NASA Space Programme. I'm always up for LGBT novels, so it isn't surprising that this is high up on my TBR. It came out in May, but I was on a book buying ban so I'm hoping to get around to it in the next few months. 

4) Most Anticipated Release For The Second Half Of The Year 

I am dying for Blood&Honey by Shelby Mahurin to come out. Serpent&Dove was my favourite book from last year and I need to know what happens to my precious little babies. I'm hoping to find my copy in the many boxes I have to unpack so I can have a reread before it comes out. I am dead excited for the FairyLoot exclusive box for this book.

5) Biggest Disappointment  

I am a huge fan of Adam Silvera's books, so when I heard he was releasing a fantasy novel, I was so excited. Infinity Son just ended up being a huge flop for me. It was filled with poor world building and characters I didn't care for, so I just did not like it. I have no intentions of continuing this series after finding it so disappointing. 

6) Biggest Surprise

Without a doubt, House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City) by Sarah J Maas. I thought I was done with her books. I didn't enjoy ACOWAR as much as I wanted to and I didn't even pick up the Christmas novella. I have no intentions of ever finishing that series, to me it is a trilogy. But House of Earth and Blood took me by surprise. It was enjoyable. I liked the main characters. I am somewhat excited for the future books. It was much more up my alley than her other books.

7) New Favourite Author (Debut or New to You)

Jessie Burton for The Muse. I read her other book and didn't enjoy it as much. But I thoroughly enjoyed The Muse. It's a modern lit book and I'm trying to read more books in that genre. I am somewhat excited for her third book to come out in paperback in September. 

8) New Fictional Crush

Sadly I'm not really a person that goes in for fictional crushes, but I will give an honourable shout out to Jaskier/Dandelion from the Witcher series. I do prefer TV version to book version, but he's a great character. 

9) New Favourite Character

Lucie Herondale from Chain of Gold. She is the sweetest little thing and she's a writer. She deserves more recognition than she gets. 

10) Book That Made You Cry

I'm a monster and I don't remember the last time I read a book that made me cry. It's very difficult to get me to cry at a book, so I haven't cried at one in 2020. I'm a terrible human being. 

11) Book That Made Me Happy

I'm going to cheat and mention Heartstopper Volume Three again. Those books always make me happy and I can't wait for book four to come out. 

12) Most Beautiful Book You've Bought/Received This Year

Hands down, it has to be my FairyLoot copy of Chain of Gold. I am a sucker for pretty, exclusive editions and that one is stunning. I hope they release more versions for the remaining books in the series. 

13) What Books Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year?

I actually just made a blog post all about this, so I will link it here. But I will mention that I am dying to finish reading more of Laini Taylor's books. They are amazing. 

So those are my answers to the Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag!
Carenza :) x