Monday 9 October 2017

September Favourites 2017| CarenzaOnBooks

Yet again, it is time to reflect on the previous month and the things I enjoyed most in that month. September was a very quiet month for me, I was snowed under with work and got ill towards the end of the month. But, despite that, I still enjoyed lots of things and wanted to share them with you.


My favourite book of the month was Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. My review is coming very soon, but I loved this book and am currently reading the second book. I gave it 5/5 stars and I can finally understand why everyone has been raving about this series.


I have one cultural favourite and that it the soundtrack to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I received this for my birthday and have been listening to it a lot. I've been finding it very calming as I've been so busy lately.


My bits'n'bobs favourite has been Pop Funkos, specifically Harry Potter ones. I acquired 3 Harry Potter ones in September, but my favourite has to be this. This is one of the Summer Convention exclusives. I bought it on eBay, but I know you can get it on Tesco Direct.

So that concludes my September favourites, I know it's shorter than usual but September was a crazy, hectic month filled with lots of deadlines and flu, so I didn't really enjoy it as much as I usually would.
Carenza x