Monday 18 September 2017

August 2017 Fairyloot Unboxing and Review| CarenzaOnBooks

I'm really sad that this is my last Fairyloot review for a while as I've had to cancel my subscription. But, that aside, this was one of my favourite boxes and it makes me so happy to see them grow as a company.

The theme for Augusts box was Other Worlds and this is probably my favourite design of theirs.

The first item was a exclusive Witchsoul candle from Book and Nook. I got Anais, which smelss of Coco, Cardamon and Fig. I'm not 100% sure if I like the scent, but I am happy that I finally got to try and Book and Nook candle.

The next item was this gorgeous exclusive sleep mask designed by Fairyloot themselves. It feels really nice on the skin and makes it easier to sleep, if like me, you can't sleep unless the room is pitch black. It matches the aesthetic the Oven Glove from last months box.

Then there was this exclusive Velaris Pendant made by Oh Panda Eyes. I'm not as big a fan of Sarah J Maas as I used to be, but I love this necklace. It has a vintage style to it and it is something I'm probably going to wear.

Probably my favourite item in the box was this Westeros Tea Strainer designed by Fairyloot. As someone who doesn't drink tea, this item isn't that useful to me. But as a lover of novelty items, this is great. You pull the hilt of the sword of and put your tea inside. My parents have already made claims on this as they are tea people.

Then there is this super cute Neverland notebook designed by TJ Lubrano. I've been following her for a while on Instagram and have been dying to try her products. While I love this notebook, I do wish that it had been lined rather than blank as I can't write in a straight line.

The next item are these exclusive Lord of the Rings magnetic bookmarks from Paperly & Co. There were three sets you could have received and I got Arwen and Aragorn. I would have preferred Frodo and Samwise, but these are super cute and I love adding magnetic bookmarks to my collection.

The final item is this exclusive Northern Lights print by Melissa Nettleship. I love prints that don't have quotes on and this really fits my aesthetic at the moment. It's giving me major wanderlust and makes me want to see the Northern Lights in person.

The book for August's book was Wicked Like A Wildfire by Lana Popovic. I've been dying to read this book and I'm hoping to get to it this month. Is the cover not stunning?

As always there is a signed book plate and letter from the author.

And here is my reading buddy hashtag for the month of August.

Another beautiful Fairyscoop that I'm going to read and enjoy.

I love that Fairyloot includes these matching bookmarks, I'm going to miss collecting them.

And finally, the promotional items for some up and coming books.

I'm sad that my subscription has come to an end, but I have loved every single box I have received. I can't wait to see what they include in their future boxes.
Carenza x