Monday 14 June 2021

So, What Comes Next? My Life Beyond Uni| Carenza Bramwell

As of June 4th 2021, I have officially finished my degree. I am going to write a whole blog post about the experience in July when I've had some time to think about it, but for now I thought I'd share what my plans are now that I've finished. It's very strange to think this is something I've done as I was always someone who wanted to go to uni and now I've done that. 

So, what comes next? Well that is a very good question. I don't have any short or long term plans. COVID has made it a bit difficult to plan anything. For example, I was supposed to go travelling around Europe last summer but had to cancel. I can't go this summer, so it looks like it will be another year before that happens. When this goes live, I will have had my first COVID vaccine, which means I'm one step closer to life going back to normal.  

My short term plans (i.e my plans for the next few months) involve the following: going back to my uni accommodation to have one last hoorah as a student, seeing family I haven't seen in nearly a year and working towards getting a job. I have started the process of trying to secure my first job and it's not going very well. I've applied for 8 jobs in the last three months and have been rejected from them all. If I'm being honest, I don't see myself getting a job this side of 2021. I know it's going to be a long process. The job market has been decimated by COVID, especially the creative sector, which is where I want to work. So, I am going to spend some time working towards getting a job.

While I do that, it does mean for the first time since I started my blog and other social media platforms, that I am able to essentially do this full time. I can go back to writing two blog posts a week and I'm thinking of posting everyday on Instagram. I started putting in a lot more effort to my social media sites in January and have seen a bit of growth, but not much. I don't do this for the numbers or to get famous, but I know a lot of creatives will agree with me, that it is nice when your hard work is recognised. So I might as well make the most of it and do this full time while I can. 

My long term plans are to get some kind of writing related job. I'm not sure what that will be yet, I've been applying for script editor positions, jobs in publishing and social media assistants, so hopefully along those lines. All I know is that I want to be a writer and have some kind of job connected to it. Writing has been a passion of mine for ages and I can't see myself turning my back on it.   

So this was a bit of a rambly post on what the future holds for me. As much as the job hunt makes me anxious, I am excited for what comes after uni and to have the time to work on my blog. I can't wait to share new content with you guys.