Thursday 19 November 2020

How to Deal With A Reading Slump| Carenza Bramwell

We've all been there as readers. The dreaded reading slump. The moment when we cannot read anymore despite our love of literature. Personally, I've felt like I've spent most of 2020 in one never ending reading slump. I'm going to share with you some tips for how I deal with reading slumps. I hope these tips help you!

Don't force Yourself to Finish a Book You're Not Enjoying

A crucial tip for when you find yourself in a reading slump is to not continue with the book you're not enjoying. If you aren't enjoy that book, either DNF or put it to one side for later. Continuing with a book when you're in a slump is going to make it even more difficult to leave the slump. It's okay to put a book to one side if now is not the right time to read it. Now is just not the time for you. The book will still be there when you decide it's time to reread it.  

Try Rereading a Favourite

Something it might be worth trying if you're not enjoying reading is to pick up a book you know you love. If you know you love it, then you're going to want to read it. It acts as the perfect antidote for if you're not in the reading mood. I'm sure we all have our favourite books or our comfort books. Pick up one of those and watch the reading bug come back.

Step Away From Books Altogether

Alternatively, if that doesn't work for you. Take some time away from books. Give your brain a bit of a break and then come back rejuvenated. As someone who loves reading and TV, I find having a break from one of them for the other always makes me miss the other. Find something else to do until you're ready to come back to reading. Forcing yourself to read is only going to lengthen the slump and make it worse. Like I mentioned earlier, books and reading will always be there to welcome you back when you're ready.  

Try a Different Format   

Whatever your usual or prefered reading format is, when in a reading slump, maybe try something that's a bit outside your comfort zone. Personally, I prefer physical books. I find I engage a bit more as I have to focus on the text in front of me. However, when in a slump, I listen to more audiobooks. I like to put them on when I go for walks or when I'm doing something like tidying or cleaning. I just let to story wash-over me without the effort of having to read myself. I find that this makes me want to pick up my usual reading format afterwards as I'm back in the reading mood.  

It's Okay Not to Read All the Time

My last tip is more of a reassuring statement and that's it's okay to not read all the time. It doesn't make you any less of a reader. It can be hard when we see everyone smashing their reading goals on Instagram, but remember everyone reads at their own pace. We should all be proud of what we achieve with our reading. 

That concludes my tips for if you find yourself in a reading slump. I hope this helps if you're in a reading slump!
Carenza :) x