Thursday 30 April 2020

Stay at Home Book Tag| Carenza Bramwell

I know I said that my last post was going to be my last one linked to the current situation, but I saw this tag floating around and I knew that I had to join in. For some more information on this tag, I saw BooksNest do this on her YouTube Channel, so click here to see that video. If you're a blogger and are looking for a tag to do, then I would recommend this one! 

Laying in Bed

A book you could/have read in a day
A book I've read in a day is Volumes 1-3 in the Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman. Each time these books come out, I have to read them straight away. Each time I sit down and I digest these books straight away. They're some of my favourites and I have painfully excited for the fourth volume to come out.


A guilty pleasure book
I really struggled to find an answer to this question, but the closest thing to a "guilty pleasure" would have to be In The Woods by Tana French. This is an Irish crime novel that I bought after seeing Emmmabooks recommend it back in 2018. It was so good I read it in about two days. I haven't read many crime books, in fact I unhauled most of the ones I owned as I had seen the film adaptations or I just didn't see myself reading them. I'm not sure what it was about In The Woods that hooked me, but I would love to read more from Tana French.


A series you want to start
A series that is pretty high up my to watch list is The Good Place. I've seen a lot of good things about it online and it seems like it would be my type of TV show. I have a list as long as my arm of TV shows I need to watch.

Deep Clean

A book thats been on your TBR for ages Probably one of my longest standing TBR books would have to be If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo. I bought this back in 2017 when diversity bingo was a thing. I don't even remember what prompt it filled but I remember being excited to read it. It is one of only two unread contemporaries on my bookshelf and as I've been on a fantasy high since March, I will be reading it soon.

Animal Crossing

A book you recently bought because of hype
I would have to say Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. I saw nothing but good things about this book and as I was in a fantasy book, I just had to read it. I ended up giving it 3/5 stars, however I would consider reading it again at some point in the future.


A book you learnt or had an impact on you
My answer, without a shadow of a doubt, is Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. I don't normally gravitate towards non-fiction but I picked this up after seeing the trailer for the movie adaptation (which I still haven't watched). It's about David Sheff's experience as a father of a drug addict. It's a very deep, hard hitting book, but one I thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend.


A book you were gifted
The only book I can think that technically counts as being gifted is Blood of Elves, the third book in The Witcher series. I bought the first one and loved it, then my mum bought us the second and third books. I still need to read the third one but I didn't have the best experience with the second one.

Self Care

What is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself?
Recently, I've really gotten into colouring. I have loads of colouring books but I've never fully committed to colouring in. It's become really therapeutic and calming, so I've been colouring in a lot more than I normally would. I love either just colouring when I'm chilling with my family or sticking on a TV show I've seen before and colouring while it's on. 


Name a book coming out soon
The next book that is coming out that I'm really excited to read is The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper. It's an LGBT own voices YA novel coming out in May. I know that the backdrop of this book is the NASA space program and that really interests me.

So that concludes this book tag, if you found it interesting, then you should try it yourself!
Carenza :) x