Sunday 21 October 2018

Harry Potter Items I Use in My Everyday Life|CarenzaOnBooks

Being a Harry Potter fan is great because there are so many items I can use in my everyday life. There are quite a few that I use every day and I thought I'd share with you guys which items they are.

Laptop Case

An item I use every day is my Harry Potter laptop case. I got mine on Redbubble where there are thousands upon thousands of different designs. I believe it was around the £18-£25 mark and it is excellent quality. The case itself is really padded and the material the design is on is really high quality. I would highly recommend laptop cases from Redbubble as they are good quality and have a wide range of designs. 

Moleskin Diary/Planner

For my birthday back in August, my best friend bought me a Harry Potter 2018-19 planner. It is honestly the best thing I've ever received because I use it every single day. It's well designed so you have a space to write things in every day as well as a whole blank page for notes. I use mine for keeping a track of my finances as well as what homework and lectures I have that week. I know they have released a wide range of designs in various sizes, so if you are looking for a diary/planner then Moleskin is the place to look.


An obvious item that I use every single day is my Harry Potter bedding. Like most people in the Harry Potter community, I bought mine in Primark for a fairly cheap price for bedding. The bedding is always great quality and there is a wide range of designs.

Tea Towels

Something else that I use every single day are my Harry Potter tea towels from Primark. Again, these are super affordable and come in a wide range of designs. Personally, I have the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw double pack and it cost me £5.


Harry Potter coasters are something I'm gathering a small collection in. I have two in my uni room and I use them both every single day. I have one on my desk and one on my bedside table. Like the items from Primark, they are fairly inexpensive.