Saturday 8 July 2017

How to Survive the Edinburgh Fringe| CarenzaOnBooks

As someone who has visited the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 3 years in a row, I have learnt a lot about how to "survive" the festival. I personally only went for a day each time, meaning there was some travelling involved. But, if you are planning on going to the festival this year, then here are some tips I have learnt over my 3 years of visiting.

1) Sensible Footwear

A slightly obvious tip is to wear sensible shoes. The festival is spread across the entirety of Edinburgh (which is very hilly) and there will be times when your events are quite far apart. I have fond memories of running across Edinburgh and my feet killing the next day. I would not recommend wearing sandals, but I have survived by wearing shoes I find very comfy. 

2) Plan Ahead

In my very first trip, my family and I didn't plan anything before we arrived. We just walked up and down the Royal Mile collecting leaflets (which is a really good place to find out if anything is on). Get the catalogue and see what is on when you are there. I would also recommend printing a map of Edinburgh if you are not familiar with it. Another thing I would recommend is writing a list of what you are going to see with times and venue numbers down so then you don't have to haul the catalogue with you.

3) Travel Light

If you are only going for a day, then I would advise you to travel light. Running around Edinburgh is tiring. When I go, my family takes 1 rucksack between us. All we pack is food for lunch and a big bottle of water. We take a rucksack because usually we get something from the Fringe pop up store and we almost always go to Forbidden Planet (but that's just us). It's also good to take a rucksack because if it's hot, then you have somewhere to store your coat which means it will be easier to run across Edinburgh. 

4) Take a Coat

Scotland is famous for being a little bit on the rainy side and as someone who has visited Scotland before and grew up in the North-West of England, I know how much it can rain. You don't need to take a big rain coat, you can just take one of this little ones that curl up into a pod to be travel efficient. There is nothing worse than being caught out in the rain and spending your time being grumpy and soggy. Trust me, I have had to stand outside venues waiting to be let in while it is bucketing it down, it's not a nice feeling.

5) Have Fun    

And finally, have fun! The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is an amazing experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed each of my trips. There is such a lovely atmosphere at the festival, you get to meet lots of people who are interested in culture. There is something for everyone at the festival and the tickets aren't that expensive. You get a good value for money. I have met people from all over the world because of the festival. People travel from all corner's of the globe to come to this festival and rightly so. 

I am unbelievably excited to go back this August. I'm actually going twice this year, once for the Book Festival part (which I have never been to before) and once for the Fringe itself. I am going to make posts about both of those trips and I can't wait to share them with you.