Sunday 14 May 2017

April Wrap Up 2017| It'sCarenzaB

We are some how almost half way through the year and up until April, I was having a really good time with my reading. In March I read 10 books, but in April I only read 4 and 2 of these were rereads. As exams approach, I have no time to read and when I do have time to read, I'm too tired to  read. But, the books I did read in April I really enjoyed and I actually have reviews for all of them.

The first book I read in April was a reread and that was 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Seeing everyone talk about the TV series on Netflix (which I have not seen as I don't have Netflix) made me want to reread the book that I read when I was either 12 or 13. This book holds a very special place in my heart, which I go into more detail in my review. I still love this book and gave it 5/5 stars. I hope one day I can watch the TV Adaption.

The next book I read is probably a book that is going to make it on to my top books of 2017, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This book is unbelievably important to the world we live in. THUG only came out at the end of February and it already has a film deal, if that doesn't show how important it is, I don't know what will. I loved Angie's writing style and I can't wait to read more books from her in the future. I also gave this book 5/5 stars.

The other book I reread was Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. With Lord of Shadows coming out this month (May 23rd),  I was in desperate need of a reread in preparation of my most anticipated release of the year. My opinions and feelings have not changed for this book. I still love it as much as I did last year when I read it last year. Still a 5/5 star rating from me.

The final book I read in April was probably the most disappointing book I read that month. I did not enjoy reading The Bone Season, but I heard that The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon was better. I didn't enjoy it. I gave it 2/5 stars and I am doubting whether I will continue with this series.   

So that concludes my April Wrap Up. How many books did you read in April? Have you read any of the books that I have read? What did you think of them?
Carenza x