Friday 26 May 2017

April Fairyloot Review| It'sCarenzaB

So now that my exams are (finally) over, I can focus more on blogging as I definitely neglected it more than I planned to. As May is almost over and I now have my May Fairyloot box, I figured I still needed to post my unboxing from April. I know that everyone has already posted theirs, but I still wanted to share mine as writing reviews are some of my favourite posts to write.

The first item was a ceramic mug designed exclusively by Risa Rodil. If you saw my January review, then you will recognize her name as she designed the Night Circus pillow case. I love having more bookish mugs to add to my collection, especially when the mug has my FAVOURITE quote from ACOMAF on it.  

The next item was this Bone Season inspired tote bag made exclusively by Miss Phi. As you guys know, I am not the biggest fan of the Bone Season, but I do like this bag as the typography and design is very pretty. I'll be getting some use out of this on my many trips to bookshops!

Fairyloot did something really cool and included a little gemstone notebook from Portico. There were twelve different gemstones and I got Septembers, and as my birthday is the very end of August, this was pretty close. If anyone does have the August gemstone and was born in September, I'd be happy to swap!

This is my absolute favourite item in the box! It is a little dream jar enamel pin designed exclusively by House of Wonderland. I've attached it to my lanyard that I have to wear and have been getting lots of complements for wearing it.

Fairyloot has been killing it with the candle game lately. In April's box, there was a candle inspired by Reverie made exclusively by Meraki Candles. It smells like a dream and I love it. Meraki Candles is probably my favourite candle company as they have so many different candles.

Through this box, I received my first bookish magnet. It was designed exclusively by Fairyloot. I really like the design and have stuck it on my fridge to add a bit of colour in the kitchen.

The book in April's box was Given to the Sea by Mindy McGinnis. I had never heard of the book or the author and am really looking forward to reading it.

As always, it came with a signed book plate, which I have yet to stick in my book.

My reading buddy hashtag for April. Once again, I didn't find my buddy.

Fairyloot is amazing at working with publishing houses and in this months box there were promotional items for Spindle Fire and Hunted, both of which I want to read.

So that concludes my review of Fairyloot's April box. As I said in the beginning of the post, I am now going to start posting regularly again now that my exams are over. I have a couple more unboxings for you guys this month.
Carenza x