Friday 19 August 2016

Top 10 Authors| It'sCarenzaB

Hey guys!
How are you?

Today I thought I'd share with you my Top 10 favourite authors as I find these types of post really interesting. These authors are my current favourites and at some point this will change. I have ranked these authors backwards, so it will start at 10 and finish at 1, I hope you like this post!

10) Jenifer Niven

The reason I put Jenifer Niven on this list was because I really enjoyed her book All The Bright Places. Yes, the book has some huge flaws and doesn't portray mental health how it actually is, but this book does make people aware about mental health. I read All The Bright Places in July 2015 and really enjoyed it. It was a nice fun read and it does make you care about the main characters.

9) Victoria Schwab (also known as VE Schwab)

I'll be honest, I've only read one VE Schwab book, but it was such a good book! Victoria Schwab writes about such unusual ideas and comes up with such amazing characters, it's impossible not to fall in love with her writing style. Also she throws in plot twists that no one sees coming. I really want to read more from her, especially the Darker Shade of Magic series as I have heard nothing but good reviews about it.

8) Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan makes it on to the list for his Percy Jackson series, which I am currently marathoning. Having read the first book about 2 years ago, I was eager to continue with the series, but it wasn't until December 2015 that I bought the rest of the books. I'm currently reading the thrid book and really enjoying it. Though these books are aimed at people younger than myself, they do actually teach you about Greek Mythology and I have learned quite a bit from these books.

7) Maggie Stievfater

I have put Maggie Stievfater on here for her Raven Cycle series as I really liked it. I have only read the first two books, but I can't wait to read the thrid one as it focuses on my favourite character Blue. A few years ago, I did try to read The Wolves of Mercy Fall  but ended up giving up, but now I am more determined to go and read more of her books. Once I've finished the Raven Cycle, I do plan on doing a series review on here.

6) Carrie Hope Fletcher

Having watched Carrie's YouTube channel for around 3 years, I knew I would love her books. I haven't read her most recent one as I am meeting her at a book signing and I get my copy then.  In her other book, All I Know Now, she writes like she's having a conversation with you and I really liked that. She gave you small insights into her own life and made each story relavent to the topic of the chapter.

5) John Green

We are now into the top 5!
John Green had to feature on this list, as his books were some of the first contempary books I have read. My favourites are defintly The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska. Although his books are somewhat similar, they all have their own unique twists. I hope in the future he writes more books as I would love to read something new from him.

4) Ransom Riggs

Again, another author that had to feature on this list. I read the first book in the Miss Peregrines series in a very short amount of time in February and I loved it. I am so glad that it is going to be turned into a film as it is being directed by Tim Burton. The use of old photographs does add something to the stories, though sometimes it does feel like he is adding photos which have no relavence to the actual plot. I haven't finised this series, I actually decided to put down the third book because I wasn't enjoying it as much as the other two.

3) Sarah J Maas

Is it any surprise that Sarah J Maas is on this list? I really love her books and have yet to find a book of hers that I don't like. I have to say that I do prefer the A Court of Thornes and Roses series to her Throne of Glass series. Her books are definitly not YA, they are more New Adult as they do have some very steamy moments (especially ACOMAF). But both series have series bad-ass heroines, which I really like. I can't wait to read Empire of Storms which comes out on September 5th. 

2) Cassandra Clare

Again, is it any surprise that Cassandra Clare is on this list? Probably not. I have been reading Cassandra Clare books for 3 years now and I love every single one she has released. My favourite series of hers is The Infernal Devices, but I do have a lot of love for her other series. Her books are so beautifully written and the characters are just beyond beautiful, I wish they were real. This year I have bought 10 Cassandra Clare books (9 of which are repurchases for the new US covers).
If you want to read my Lady Midnight Review, click here

1) J K Rowling

Obviously, JK Rowling has to be number one on this list. Harry Potter was such a huge part of my childhood, that I couldn't not feature it on this list. Harry Potter will always be a part of my life, I read them when I was little and I fell in love. I can't even count the amount of times I have read Harry Potter or watched the movies. The books always make me happy and I will never get bored of them. They just have a huge sentimental value to me.

So that was it for today's post, I hope you guys liked it. All my social media links are in a tab called About Me, leave a comment saying who you're favourite authors are.
Carenza x