Friday 26 June 2015

Taking the Plunge in to YouTube| It's Carenza B

So as the summer holidays fast approaches, plans and daydreams begin to formulate and one thing that has been on my mind (other than my killer amount of work to do) is starting a YouTube channel. I have always admired the people have YouTube channels, especially those who are still in full time education like myself. However, I am that person who if they don't like what they are doing will just give it up. I feel like if I had a YouTube channel it would coincide nicely with my blog.

Also, because I will have no school for 7 weeks (woohoo!) means I could do a weekly vlog series, which some of you may be interested in. When I started this blog back in early June, I started it to share my opinions with the internet, particularly about books and beauty and bits n bobs (originally I was going to called my blog B is for... because it was the letter the three things I wanted to focus on and also the first letter of my surname), so if I had a YouTube channel I could give you guys even more content.

I feel like this time I could put even more effort in and will try, last time I had a YouTube channel (which has been deleted) I just didn't try and my content was boring. I want to be able to interact with you guys and YouTube makes that possible (most social media allows you to do that). I believe that a blog allows you to get to know the writer through the writing style however with YouTube you can put that style with a face and a personality.

I  have been watching lots of book based YouTubers, especially A Book Utopia and Benjaminoftomes  and they have inspired me. I almost always find myself subconsciously planning video ideas. I feel like I just need to man up and do it as I loved filming my videos when I had my old channel.

So, sorry that this blog is a bit rambly and boring but this was something I needed to get of my chest and I just wanted to ask other peoples opinion!
Carenza B