Monday 26 July 2021

Sour Album Book Tag| Carenza Bramwell

I am very late to the party, but I recently started listening to Sour by Olivia Rodrigo and I'm kinda (very) obsessed with it. I tend to listen to the same music over and over, so it's nice to have something new to listen to. So I had to do the Sour Album Book Tag. I found this on Allomanci Read's blog, which I will link here. It has all the rules and info you could need if you want to do this tag. My favourite songs from this album are brutal, good 4 u and jealousy, jealousy.

Brutal- A Book with a Lot of Teenage Angst

Loveless by Alice Oseman. This is about a young woman going away to university and discovering her sexuality after struggling to find a label that worked for her. It deals with asexuality and aromantic identities, something I haven't read much about. While it does deal with these important topics, the teenage angst/drama got a bit much for me at times. I still gave it 4/5 stars.  

Traitor- A Book that Broke Your Heart, but you still keep going back to

Without a shadow of a doubt, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. This was the last time I cried at a book, and I last read this in 2018. I have read this countless times. There is a section of this book, which if you know it, that breaks my heart every time I read it. I know it's coming and yet when I read it, I bawl like an idiot. I couldn't tell you why. I adore this series, it's probably one of my favourites. I will happily read it over and over. 

Driver's License- A book that helped you grow/become who you are today

Speaking of Cassandra Clare, it would be wrong to not mention her here. City of Bones came into my life at exactly the right time. I try not to talk about the same author twice in a book tag, but Cassie's books have had such a strong impact on me. I've always been a reader, but I became more interested in reading after discovering these books. I was totally swept away by these books. Every time I finished the series, I would start again. I must have read them 3 or 4 times back to back. These books will always hold a special place in my heart. They've shaped me into the person and the reader I am today. 

1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back- A book which was slow paced, but so addictive that you just couldn't stop reading it

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. It took me 4 or 5 attempts to read this book. I finally listened to the audiobook while on holiday in Bruges back in 2019. It takes quite some time to get to the central plot, but the writing was so beautiful that I just didn't want to stop reading. Laini is such a fantastic writer, with everything she writes being in this gorgeous poetic style. I love her writing. The Strange the Dreamer duology is a favourite of mine. 

Deja Vu- A book that makes you nostalgic

The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I must have read this around the time the film came out, which I think was 2013, and I loved it. I related a lot to Charlie and how he always felt like an outsider until he met this amazing group of friends. I was also really getting into reading at that time, so I sometimes feel nostalgic for discovering my love of reading at that time. I wish I could go back and live in that time where every book I read was amazing and brought so much joy to my life. 

Good 4 U- A book you almost dnf-ed but it became your favourite

I'm not someone who dnfs books, I tend to put them to one side and then come back to them at a later date. The only book I can think of is one I've already used and I don't like to use the same answer more than once. So, I'll quickly say, that Strange the Dreamer was a book that it took me a few times to get into and then became one of my favourites. 

Enough for You- A book that lived up to your incredibly high expectations

If We Were Villains by M.L Rio. I have a review, which you can read here. I had heard nothing but good things about this book and it didn't disappoint. This might be my favourite book of the year so far. I loved the characters, the writing, the story. Pretty much everything about it. I would love to read from M.L Rio again as she is a fantastic writer. I will keep on talking about this book for a very long time. 

Happier- A book/series which caused a book hangover

I don't really get book hangovers, so the closet thing I can think of is when I read Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin. I loved that book so much that I couldn't stop thinking about it and it had been a while since I felt that way about a book. The story was just addictive. I wasn't the biggest fan of the sequel, so I'm not sure where I stand with this series anymore. However, I will always treasurer my first read of Serpent and Dove. 

Jealousy, Jealousy- A world you would sell your books to be a part of

It's probably very cliche, but I would love to live in Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings. I have only read one of the books, so I am basing this from the films. Oh to be a hobbit and live in a hobbit hole. To visit the Green Dragon and the Prancing Pony. It just looks like a jolly and pretty place to live. I would love to live there.

Favourite Crime- A favourite series, but a really disappointing last book

It's not a favourite series, but the final book in the Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Schusterman was really disappointing. The first book was incredible, the second was okay and the final was not great. It had such a strong premise, but for me, I lost enjoyment with each instalment. I'd like to give it a second chance at some point as I think Neal is a great writer, but something went wrong with this book.  

Hope Ur Ok- A book that healed you/your comfort book   

The Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman never fail to put a smile on my face. I recently reread them in preparation for the final volume and they just made me so happy. Alice captures this relationship well and the art style is really cute. If you are looking for an adorable graphic novel series about an LGBT+ relationship, plus it tackles the topic of mental health really well, then look no further because they're the best.  

I tag anyone who wants to do this tag! If you end up doing this tag, then tag me on Twitter (@carenzaonbooks) as I'd love to see your responses.