Friday 2 February 2018

Monty and Harry's Story- an original short piece by Carenza Bramwell

In my Creative Writing Class, we were given the task of writing a short story inspired by Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. Here is my short piece about Monty and Harry.

It was a wet, winter’s evening. Rain lashed down on the cars flashing past and people ran to shelter themselves from the torrent falling on their heads. Monty slinked through the passers-by, being careful not to bump into them. His black coat was soaked with rain. He wondered when Harry would be home. It had been a long day and he wanted to see Harry. The rain poured even harder and a passing car drove through a puddle and soaked him. He howled at the car, his coat completely drenched. He found shelter under a tree and waited for the rain to subside. Gradually, it began to lessen. Occasionally rain would fall from the leaves, bowing under the weight of the water. Monty hopped around looking for a dry patch. He saw Harry’s car pulling into the driveway and waited. He wanted to be sure it was Harry. When he saw Harry’s head pop out of the car, he ran over and stood by the door, waiting. Harry acknowledged him and opened the door. They both darted in, glad to be out of the rain. Harry embraced Monty and began to make dinner.

Driving home from work, Harry was glad to be inside his car. His windscreen whippers danced back and forward, pushing the water away. He thought of Monty, out in the rain, and felt sad. He knew he should have let him stay inside, but Monty had wanted to go out and who was he to refuse. He imagined him, his black coat soaked with water, huddled by the back door, looking at him with big green eyes. Soon Harry was pulling into his driveway. He had seen Monty under the tree, sheltering himself from the down pour. He waited a few seconds, then got out of the car. Monty appeared, hanging his head and scratching at the door. Harry opened the door and let him in first, as was their custom. Harry picked up Monty and cuddled him. His coat was soaked, but Harry didn’t mind. He put Monty down, and began to make him dinner. By the time Harry had finished, Monty was curled up asleep under the radiator, his stomach rising and falling in a slow rhythm. Harry placed Monty’s food next to him and watched him sleep.